2 personman Aug 31, 2005 15:00
personman, will new features allow owner of some particular blog in my system to register with some rating system and place counter code on his own blog?
If the internal loggin system is good enough I would probably just want to use that. As for external hit counters, what would you like to use. We may be able to get that working now. I think we could just embed the code that logs hits and the code that displays the counter into a skin. As long as each user is using a different skin, then you should get independent counts.
This is not suitable for blog hosting case :)
You should not limit users to unique skins and being listed in different rating systems is maybe very important for some users.
I think we need some hack to let the user to specify some footer that will be included in every page of his blog.
You can request a hack/plugin here:
You need to do a good job of explaining what you want. I'm still not sure what you mean by a 'rating system.' Are you talking about some external service? If so, provide a link to what you're talking about.
I don't know exactly what the feature will be like in the new version, but I doubt that anyone will want to spend time making a hack that will become obsolete in a matter of days.
Have a look at http://www.warlog.info for example.
This is the rating/stats system. I want, as an owner of a blog, to be listed there, even if I don't need it's statistics because of integrated stats in b2evo, I will be interested in being listed in rating system because it might increase popularity of my blog.
Don't forget that I cannot do that inside of skin, because I am one of the users registered in multiblog system.
I don't know if I could explain what I mean but I tried :)
Ok, so the warlog site gives people code that they have to put in their website, which reports back to warlog about the site usage, and then you are rated based on that? So, basically you want a plugin that lets you enter a little bit of code in the backoffice 'blogs' tab and have it displayed on the blog regardless of what skin you're using? Or in this case, the code would probably be invisible to the user rather than being displayed, but it would be there in the web page, reporting stats to the ratings site. Am I getting this? That could be a useful feature. You would still have to have skins that supported the feature by calling the function that displays the code that you enter in the backoffice. Go ahead and request it in the forum I linked to above. I see now that it's a different feature than the hit logging that the new version does.
In the meantime, you may still want to consider doing it through skins. You can create a copy of a skin for a specific user. That's what I do, since they typically want some customizations anyway. But if you have a lot of users, that may not be practical.
Yes, this is exactly how it works and what I want :)
I'll try to request this feature and describe it as much as possible. Thanks!
a little piece of code, you can put into 'long description' or 'note'
When you put the long description or the notes in a skin, every user can choose what they put into it.
user a wants a picture
user b wants a rating system
user c want nothing
Oh, I hadn't thought of that. Would the html checker prevent certain kinds of code being added?
You may also have to make sure that all of the skins on your site include the description. I know that some skins leave it out.
Ok, I see, but what about html validation that is used in posting. Is this code also being validated?
I see the code is being validated there also, then I will not be able to put javascript code of stats counter on the page, but anyway, it's fine, I can put something.
It's fine, thanks.
Does anybody know if this hack works w/ the latest release of b2evolution?
Improved hit logging is one of the [url=http://b2evolution.net/news/2005/08/26/phoenix_alpha_features_preliminary_list]features of the next version[/url].