2 personman Sep 02, 2005 14:20
I have the same problem and I read the solution on FAQ. Everything is pretty normal in my config file and my browser is brand new installation. Yet it still ask me to login again and again.
I'm also experiencing this issue. The base url is set like this:
$baseurl = 'http://intranet/b2e';
which is the correct address and I'm still constantly having to login. My cookie is returning this:
I'm running Dawn on IIS 6 on a WS2003 box.
That one cookie is the only one I'm receiving. :(
Ive checked for whitespace or anything uneccessary at the of my files in the conf/ folder and setcookie cookieb2evouser is still failing.
The problem is the host name: it contains no dot.
I've fixed this in CVS already. Go to /conf/_advanced.php. Search where $cookie_domain gets set and replace the line with the following one:
$cookie_domain = ( strpos($basehost, '.') === false ) ? '' : '.'. $basehost;
Still getting this message:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_main.php:69) in F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_functions_users.php on line 66
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_main.php:69) in F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_functions_users.php on line 67
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_main.php:69) in F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_functions_users.php on line 68
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_main.php:69) in F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_functions_users.php on line 69
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_main.php:69) in F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_functions_users.php on line 81
setcookie cookieb2evouser failed!Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_main.php:69) in F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_functions_users.php on line 83
setcookie cookieb2evouser failed!
Mage, please read the error messages.
Hint: "output started at F:\Intranet\b2e\b2evocore\_main.php:69"
OK, I'm a dumbass. blueyed, your fix worked after I overwrote the config files with clean copies and edited them with notepad instead of Dreamweaver.
*bows humbly*
Thank you for your help! :)
Check this out:
Make sure you're typing the url exactly as you defined it in the baseurl value of your _config.php file.