2 personman Sep 02, 2005 20:50
I've got the following in my php.ini:
; File Uploads ;
; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
file_uploads = On
; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not
; specified).
;upload_tmp_dir =
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 2M
I actually tried to catch the error with Filemon and noticed an ACCESS DENIED for IUSR_computername for C:\WINDOWS\Temp but even when I gave write access to IUSR_computername and got rid of the error, I still had the same problem in b2evolution.
Has anyone got image upload working under IIS before? :-/
Just to see if it helps, you might try changing the upload temp dir to something like this: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\tmp
You'll have to create that directory, or course.
It's possilbe that your PHP isntall isn't allowing [url=http://php.mirrors.ilisys.com.au/manual/en/features.file-upload.php]file uploads[/url]. Check your php.ini file and see if it has a line that says something like file_uploads="false" Changing it to true or on or 1 might do it. If you don't see a line like that, then try adding file_uploads="1"
I know b2evolution is built to work on Apache or IIS, but I think that Apache is the recommended platform. Some of the more advanced features won't work in IIS.