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1 Sep 03, 2005 17:47    

I am trying to add iframe to my _formatting.php
I have read
and most other posts which give instructions for allowing object and embed tags. However, I am still getting the message

Invalid post, please correct these errors:
Illegal markup found: iframe

I am using b2evo v + patch

Here is what I modified in _formatting.php

// I changed:
define('E_special_extra', 'img' );

// to:
define('E_special_extra', 'img iframe' );	

// added this part to $allowed_tags = array
'iframe' => E_Iinline,
//and in $allowed_attribues = array 
//(not my spelling mistake on allowed_attribues)
'iframe' => A_attrs.' src height width name id frameborder scrolling',	

Thanks for looking.


2 Oct 19, 2005 02:09

I just upgraded to 0.9.1 and decided to have another crack at this.

I re-did my changes except this time I tried it with $use_security_checker = 0;

FYI I added this more complete line to the Array showing allowed attributes for tags instead of the one above:

'iframe' => A_attrs.' src id class title style align width height frameborder longdesc marginheight marginwidth name scrolling ',	// Transitional

Thanks for the board's help on that one </sarcasm> :)

3 Oct 20, 2005 03:33


FYI ... by default, "class" is defined as a "core attribute" in the _formatting.php file, so you shouldn't need to add it as one for the <iframe> tag.

However, "id" and "style" are not.

After monkeying with adding tags (Iframe isn't one I've used, which is why I didn't respond) I've come to the conclusion that "id" and "style" SHOULD be core attributes and have added them there (look near the top of the tag definitions area.

Glad you got it working, sorry I couldn't help.


-stk :D

4 Oct 20, 2005 04:35

Ta stk. Glad I'm not just talking to myself in here.

I realise now if I'd dumped the whole of my modified _formatting.php in here people may have had the chance to spot the error. So in that sense my error was focusing only on the bits I had just changed in the code. Wow, metadebugging!

5 Jul 27, 2006 16:32

did you get it to work?
'Cause I tried what you did and it didn't work for me.. :(

7 Jul 27, 2006 20:41

hey what do you know?
it works!

8 Oct 21, 2006 16:40

Man, i had beed struggling with this all night. Thanks so much for posting how to put in iframes!

9 Nov 10, 2006 23:05

Ok I've edited _formatting.php with the advice from this post (and the other one) and I can't make it work.

I get this error:

Illegal markup found: iframe

If I leave either HTML checker or Security checker turned ON, it doesn't work. Obviously I would prefer to have at least one of these on.

I have 0.9.11 with patches. Here's what my _formatting.php looks like. Help if you can!

 * This is b2evolution's formatting config file
 * This file sets how b2evolution will parse and format texts (posts, comments, etc.)
 * Last significant changes to this file: version
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2004 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * @package conf
if( !defined('DB_USER') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

// ** Formatting **

# Choose the formatting options for your posts:
# 0 to disable
# 1 to ensable
$use_balanceTags = 0;		// 0,1 automatically balance unmatched tags in posts and comments. 

# Choose formatting options for comments
# 'never'   : option will never be used
# 'opt-in'  : option will be used only if user explicitely asks for it
# 'opt-out' : option will be used by default, but user can refuse
# 'always'  : option will always be used
$comments_use_autobr = 'opt-in';	// automatically change line breaks to <br />

 * Validity & Security Checking 
 * Posts and comments should be checked to see if they contain valid XHTML code
 * and no invalid code (javascript, styles, CSS, etc...)
# Html checking will validate posts and comments to a subset of valid XHTML. 
# This will also do much cleaner security checking than the next option.
# Note: This option requires the PHP XML module. If your PHP installation doesn't have it
# disable html_checker and use security_checker.
$use_html_checker = 0;
# Security checking will check for illegal javascript hacks in posts/comments
# and for CSS in comments. However, this may be a bit harsh on your posts :]
$use_security_checker = 1;		
# WARNING: disabling both $use_html_checker and $use_security_checker is suicidal !

 * HTML Checker params:
 * The params are defined twice: once for the posts and once for the comments.
 * Typically you'll be more restrictive on comments.
 * Adapted from XHTML-1.0-Transitional/Strict by fplanque

// DEFINITION of allowed XHTML code for POSTS (posted in the backoffice)

 * Allowed Entity classes
// define('E_special_pre', 'br span bdo');			// Strict
// define('E_special', E_special_pre.' img');		// Strict
define('E_special_extra', 'img iframe object');		// Transitional
define('E_special_basic', 'br span bdo' );			// Transitional
define('E_special', E_special_basic.' '.E_special_extra );	// Transitional

// define('E_fontstyle', 'tt i b big small');				// Strict
define('E_fontstyle_extra', 'big small font' );			// Transitional
define('E_fontstyle_basic', 'tt i b u s strike' );	// Transitional
define('E_fontstyle', E_fontstyle_basic.' '.E_fontstyle_extra );	// Transitional

// define('E_phrase', 'em strong dfn code q samp kbd var cite abbr acronym sub sup'); // Strict
define('E_phrase_extra', 'sub sup'); 																							// Transitional
define('E_phrase_basic', 'em strong dfn code q samp kbd var cite abbr acronym');	// Transitional
define('E_phrase', E_phrase_basic.' '.E_phrase_extra ); 													// Transitional

define('E_misc_inline', 'ins del');
define('E_misc', E_misc_inline);
define('E_inline', 'a '.E_special.' '.E_fontstyle.' '.E_phrase );
define('E_Iinline', '#PCDATA '.E_inline.' '.E_misc_inline );
define('E_heading', 'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6');

// define('E_list', 'ul ol dl');				// Strict
define('E_list', 'ul ol dl menu dir');	// Transitional

// define('E_blocktext', 'pre hr blockquote address');			// Strict
define('E_blocktext', 'pre hr blockquote address center');	// Transitional

define('E_block', 'p '.E_heading.' div '.E_list.' '.E_blocktext.' fieldset table');

// define('E_Bblock', E_block.' '.E_misc );			// Strict only

define('E_Flow', '#PCDATA '.E_block.' '.E_inline.' '.E_misc.' '.E_Iinline );
define('E_a_content', '#PCDATA '.E_special.' '.E_fontstyle.' '.E_phrase.' '.E_misc_inline );

// define('E_pre_content', '#PCDATA a '.E_fontstyle.' '.E_phrase.' '.E_special_pre.' '.E_misc_inline ); // Strict
define('E_pre_content', '#PCDATA a '.E_special_basic.' '.E_fontstyle_basic.' '.E_phrase_basic.' '.E_misc_inline ); // Transitional
// Allowed Attribute classes
define('A_coreattrs', 'class title');
define('A_i18n', 'lang xml:lang dir');
define('A_attrs', A_coreattrs.' '.A_i18n);
define('A_TextAlign', 'align');									// Transitional only
define('A_cellhalign', 'align char charoff');
define('A_cellvalign', 'valign');

// Array showing what tags are allowed and what their allowed subtags are.
$allowed_tags = array
	'body' => E_Flow, // Remember this is not a true body, just a post body
	'div' => E_Flow,
	'p' => E_Iinline,
	'h1' => E_Iinline,
	'h2' => E_Iinline,
	'h3' => E_Iinline,
	'h4' => E_Iinline,
	'h5' => E_Iinline,
	'h6' => E_Iinline,
	'ul' => 'li',
	'ol' => 'li',
	'menu' => 'li',		// Transitional only
	'dir' => 'li',		// Transitional only
	'li' => E_Flow,
	'dl' => 'dt dd',
	'dd' => E_Flow,
	'dt' => E_Iinline,
	'iframe' => '#PCDATA '.E_Iinline.' '.E_inline.' '.E_misc_inline.E_Flow,
	'object' => E_Iinline,
	// 'address' => E_Iinline,														// Strict
	'address' => '#PCDATA '.E_inline.' '.E_misc_inline,		// Transitional
	'hr' => '',
	'pre' => E_pre_content,

	// 'blockquote' => E_Bblock,		// Strict
	'blockquote' => E_Flow.' '.E_inline.' '.E_Iinline,					// Transitional

	'center' => E_Flow,					// Transitional only
	'ins' => E_Flow,
	'del' => E_Flow,
	'a' => E_a_content,
	'span' => E_Iinline,
	'bdo' => E_Iinline,
	'br' => '',
	'em' => E_Iinline,
	'strong' => E_Iinline,
	'dfn' => E_Iinline,
	'code' => E_Iinline,
	'samp' => E_Iinline,
	'kbd' => E_Iinline,
	'var' => E_Iinline,
	'cite' => E_Iinline,
	'abbr' => E_Iinline,
	'acronym' => E_Iinline,
	'q' => E_Iinline,
	'sub' => E_Iinline,
	'sup' => E_Iinline,
	'tt' => E_Iinline,
	'i' => E_Iinline,
	'b' => E_Iinline,
	'big' => E_Iinline,
	'small' => E_Iinline,

	'u' => E_Iinline,						// Transitional only
	's' => E_Iinline,						// Transitional only
	'strike' => E_Iinline,			// Transitional only
	'font' => E_Iinline,				// Transitional only

	'img' => '',
	'fieldset' => '#PCDATA legend '.E_block.' '.E_inline.' '.E_misc,
	'legend' => E_Iinline,
	'table' => 'caption col colgroup thead tfoot tbody tr',
	'caption' => E_Iinline,
	'thead' => 'tr',
	'tfoot' => 'tr',
	'tbody' => 'tr',
	'colgroup' => 'col',
	'tr' => 'th td',
	'th' => E_Flow,
	'td' => E_Flow,

// Array showing allowed attributes for tags
$allowed_attribues = array
	// 'div' => A_attrs,								// Strict
	'div' => A_attrs.' '.A_TextAlign,		// Transitional

	// 'p' => A_attrs,								// Strict
	'p' => A_attrs.' '.A_TextAlign,		// Transitional

	'iframe' => A_attrs.' src id class title style align width height frameborder longdesc marginheight  marginwidth name scrolling ',

	'object' => A_attrs.' src id class title style align width height frameborder longdesc marginheight marginwidth name scrolling classid type',

	// 'h1' => A_attrs,								// Strict
	'h1' => A_attrs.' '.A_TextAlign,		// Transitional
	// 'h2' => A_attrs,								// Strict
	'h2' => A_attrs.' '.A_TextAlign,		// Transitional
	// 'h3' => A_attrs,								// Strict
	'h3' => A_attrs.' '.A_TextAlign,		// Transitional
	// 'h4' => A_attrs,								// Strict
	'h4' => A_attrs.' '.A_TextAlign,		// Transitional
	// 'h5' => A_attrs,								// Strict
	'h5' => A_attrs.' '.A_TextAlign,		// Transitional
	// 'h6' => A_attrs,								// Strict
	'h6' => A_attrs.' '.A_TextAlign,		// Transitional

	// 'ul' => A_attrs,	// Strict
	'ul' => A_attrs.' type compact',	// Transitional

	// 'ol' => A_attrs,	// Strict
	'ol' => A_attrs.' type compact start',	// Transitional

	'menu' => A_attrs.' compact',	// Transitional only
	'dir' => A_attrs.' compact',	// Transitional only

	// 'li' => A_attrs,							// Strict
	'li' => A_attrs.' type value',	// Transitional

	// 'dl' => A_attrs,					// Strict
	'dl' => A_attrs.' compact',	// Transitional 

	'dt' => A_attrs,
	'dd' => A_attrs,

	'address' => A_attrs,

	// 'hr' => A_attrs,															// Strict
	'hr' => A_attrs.' align noshade size width',		// Transitional

	// 'pre' => A_attrs.' xml:space',								// Strict
	'pre' => A_attrs.' width xml:space',						// Transitional

	'blockquote' => A_attrs.' cite',

	'center' => A_attrs,					// Transitional only

	'ins' => A_attrs.' cite datetime',
	'del' => A_attrs.' cite datetime',

	// 'a' => A_attrs.' charset type href hreflang rel rev shape coords',			// Strict
	'a' => A_attrs.' charset type href hreflang rel rev shape coords target',	// Transitional

	'span' => A_attrs,
	'bdo' => A_coreattrs.' lang xml:lang dir',

	// 'br' => A_coreattrs,				// Strict
	'br' => A_coreattrs.' clear',	// Transitional

	'em' => A_attrs,
	'strong' => A_attrs,
	'dfn' => A_attrs,
	'code' => A_attrs,
	'samp' => A_attrs,
	'kbd' => A_attrs,
	'var' => A_attrs,
	'cite' => A_attrs,
	'abbr' => A_attrs,
	'acronym' => A_attrs,
	'q' => A_attrs.' cite',
	'sub' => A_attrs,
	'sup' => A_attrs,
	'tt' => A_attrs,
	'i' => A_attrs,
	'b' => A_attrs,
	'big' => A_attrs,
	'small' => A_attrs,

	'u' => A_attrs,						// Transitional only
	's' => A_attrs,						// Transitional only
	'strike' => A_attrs,			// Transitional only
	'font' => A_coreattrs.' '.A_i18n.' size color face',	// Transitional only

	// 'img' => A_attrs.' src alt longdesc height width usemap ismap',	// Strict
	'img' => A_attrs.' src alt name longdesc height width usemap ismap align border hspace vspace',	// Transitional

	'fieldset' => A_attrs,

	//'legend' => A_attrs,							// Strict
	'legend' => A_attrs.' align',				// Transitional

	// 'table' => A_attrs.' summary width border frame rules cellspacing cellpadding',  // Strict
	'table' => A_attrs.' summary width border frame rules cellspacing cellpadding align bgcolor', // Transitional

	// 'caption' => A_attrs,						// Strict
	'caption' => A_attrs.' align',			// Transitional

	'colgroup' => A_attrs.' span width cellhalign cellvalign',
	'col' => A_attrs.' span width cellhalign cellvalign',
	'thead' => A_attrs.' '.A_cellhalign.' '.A_cellvalign,
	'tfoot' => A_attrs.' '.A_cellhalign.' '.A_cellvalign,
	'tbody' => A_attrs.' '.A_cellhalign.' '.A_cellvalign,

	// 'tr' => A_attrs.' '.A_cellhalign.' '.A_cellvalign,	// Strict
	'tr' => A_attrs.' '.A_cellhalign.' '.A_cellvalign.' bgcolor',	// Transitional 

	// 'th' => A_attrs.' abbr axis headers scope rowspan colspan'.A_cellhalign.' '.A_cellvalign,	// Strict
	'th' => A_attrs.' abbr axis headers scope rowspan colspan'.A_cellhalign.' '.A_cellvalign.' nowrap bgcolor width height',	// Transitional

	// 'td' => A_attrs.' abbr axis headers scope rowspan colspan'.A_cellhalign.' '.A_cellvalign,	// Strict
	'td' => A_attrs.' abbr axis headers scope rowspan colspan'.A_cellhalign.' '.A_cellvalign.' nowrap bgcolor width height',	// Transitional

$allowed_uri_scheme = array

// DEFINITION of allowed XHTML code for COMMENTS (posted from the public blog pages)

# here is a list of the tags that are allowed in the comments.
# all tags not in this list will be filtered out anyway before we do any checking
$comment_allowed_tags = '<p><ul><ol><li><dl><dt><dd><address><blockquote><ins><del><a><span><bdo><br><em><strong><dfn><code><samp><kdb><var><cite><abbr><acronym><q><sub><sup><tt><i><b><big><small>';

// Allowed Entity classes
define('C_E_special_pre', 'br span bdo');
define('C_E_special', C_E_special_pre);
define('C_E_fontstyle', 'tt i b big small');
define('C_E_phrase', 'em strong dfn code q samp kbd var cite abbr acronym sub sup');
define('C_E_misc_inline', 'ins del');
define('C_E_misc', C_E_misc_inline);
define('C_E_inline', 'a '.C_E_special.' '.C_E_fontstyle.' '.C_E_phrase );
define('C_E_Iinline', '#PCDATA '.C_E_inline.' '.C_E_misc_inline );
define('C_E_heading', '');
define('C_E_list', 'ul ol dl');
define('C_E_blocktext', 'hr blockquote address');
define('C_E_block', 'p '.C_E_heading.' div '.C_E_list.' '.C_E_blocktext.' table');
define('C_E_Bblock', C_E_block.' '.C_E_misc );
define('C_E_Flow', '#PCDATA '.C_E_block.' '.C_E_inline.' '.C_E_misc );
define('C_E_a_content', '#PCDATA '.C_E_special.' '.C_E_fontstyle.' '.C_E_phrase.' '.C_E_misc_inline );
define('C_E_pre_content', '#PCDATA a '.C_E_fontstyle.' '.C_E_phrase.' '.C_E_special_pre.' '.C_E_misc_inline );

// Allowed Attribute classes
define('C_A_coreattrs', 'class title');
define('C_A_i18n', 'lang xml:lang dir');
define('C_A_attrs', C_A_coreattrs.' '.C_A_i18n);
define('C_A_cellhalign', 'align char charoff');
define('C_A_cellvalign', 'valign');

// Array showing what tags are allowed and what their allowed subtags are.
$comments_allowed_tags = array
	'body' => E_Flow, // Remember this is not a true body, just a comment body
	'p' => C_E_Iinline,
	'ul' => 'li',
	'ol' => 'li',
	'li' => C_E_Flow,
	'dl' => 'dt dd',
	'dt' => C_E_Iinline,
	'dd' => C_E_Flow,
	'address' => C_E_Iinline,
	'hr' => '',
//	'blockquote' => C_E_Bblock,		// XHTML-1.0-Strict
	'blockquote' => C_E_Flow,				// XHTML-1.0-Transitional
	'ins' => C_E_Flow,
	'del' => C_E_Flow,
	'a' => C_E_a_content,
	'span' => C_E_Iinline,
	'bdo' => C_E_Iinline,
	'br' => '',
	'em' => C_E_Iinline,
	'strong' => C_E_Iinline,
	'dfn' => C_E_Iinline,
	'code' => C_E_Iinline,
	'samp' => C_E_Iinline,
	'kbd' => C_E_Iinline,
	'var' => C_E_Iinline,
	'cite' => C_E_Iinline,
	'abbr' => C_E_Iinline,
	'acronym' => C_E_Iinline,
	'q' => C_E_Iinline,
	'sub' => C_E_Iinline,
	'sup' => C_E_Iinline,
	'tt' => C_E_Iinline,
	'i' => C_E_Iinline,
	'b' => C_E_Iinline,
	'big' => C_E_Iinline,
	'small' => C_E_Iinline

// Array showing allowed attributes for tags
$comments_allowed_attribues = array
	'p' => C_A_attrs,
	'ul' => C_A_attrs,
	'ol' => C_A_attrs,
	'li' => C_A_attrs,
	'dl' => C_A_attrs,
	'dt' => C_A_attrs,
	'dd' => C_A_attrs,
	'address' => C_A_attrs,
	'blockquote' => C_A_attrs.' cite',
	'ins' => C_A_attrs.' cite datetime',
	'del' => C_A_attrs.' cite datetime',
	'a' => C_A_attrs.' charset type href hreflang rel rev shape coords',
	'span' => C_A_attrs,
	'bdo' => C_A_coreattrs.' lang xml:lang dir',
	'br' => C_A_coreattrs,
	'em' => C_A_attrs,
	'strong' => C_A_attrs,
	'dfn' => C_A_attrs,
	'code' => C_A_attrs,
	'samp' => C_A_attrs,
	'kbd' => C_A_attrs,
	'var' => C_A_attrs,
	'cite' => C_A_attrs,
	'abbr' => C_A_attrs,
	'acronym' => C_A_attrs,
	'q' => C_A_attrs.' cite',
	'sub' => C_A_attrs,
	'sup' => C_A_attrs,
	'tt' => C_A_attrs,
	'i' => C_A_attrs,
	'b' => C_A_attrs,
	'big' => C_A_attrs,
	'small' => C_A_attrs,

 * URI schemes allowed for URLs in comments and user profiles:
$comments_allowed_uri_scheme = array

// Array showing URI attributes
$uri_attrs = array

# Translation of HTML entities and special characters
$b2_htmltrans = array(
	// '–' => ' ', '—' => ' ', '‘' => ' ', '’' => ' ',
	// '“' => ' ', '”' => ' ', '•' => ' ', '€' => ' ',
	'&lt;' => '<',	'&gt;' => '>',
	'&sp;' => ' ', '&excl;' => '!', '&quot;' => '"', '&num;' => '#', 
	'&dollar;' =>  '$', '&percnt;' => '%', '&amp;' => '&', '&apos;' => ''', 
	'&lpar;' => '(', '&rpar;' => ')',
	'&ast;' => '*', '&plus;' => '+', '&comma;' => ',', '&hyphen;' => '-', 
	'&minus;' => '-', '&period;' => '.', '&sol;' => '/', '&colon;' => ':', 
	'&semi;' => ';', '&lt;' => '<',
	'&equals;' => '=', '&gt;' => '>', '&quest;' => '?', '&commat;' => '@', 
	'&lsqb;' => '[', '&bsol;' => '\', '&rsqb;' => ']', '&circ;' => '^', 
	'&lowbar;' => '_', '&horbar;' => '_',
	'&grave;' => '`', '&lcub;' => '{', '&verbar;' => '|', '&rcub;' => '}', 
	'&tilde;' => '~', '&lsquor;' => '‚', '&ldquor;' => '„',
	'&ldots;' => '…', '&Scaron;' => 'Š', '&lsaquo;' => '‹', '&OElig;' => 'Œ',
	'&lsquo;' => '‘', '&rsquor;' => '‘', '&rsquo;' => '’',
	'&ldquo;' => '“', '&rdquor;' => '“', '&rdquo;' => '”', '&bull;' => '•',
	'&ndash;' => '–', '&endash;' => '–', '&mdash;' => '—', '&emdash;' => '—',
	'&tilde;' => '˜', '&trade;' => '™',
	'&scaron;' => 'š', '&rsaquo;' => '›', '&oelig;' => 'œ', '&Yuml;' => 'Ÿ',
	'&nbsp;' => ' ', '&iexcl;' => '¡', '&cent;' => '¢', '&pound;' => '£', 
	'&curren;' => '¤', '&yen;' => '¥',
	'&brvbar;' => '¦', '&brkbar;' => '¦', '&sect;' => '§', '&uml;' => '¨', 
	'&die;' => '¨', '&copy;' => '©', '&ordf;' => 'ª', '&laquo;' => '«', 
	'&not;' => '¬', '&shy;' => '­',
	'&reg;' => '®', '&macr;' => '¯', '&hibar;' => '¯', '&deg;' => '°', 
	'&plusmn;' => '±', '&sup2;' => '²', '&sup3;' => '³', '&acute;' => '´', 
	'&micro;' => 'µ', '&para;' => '¶',
	'&middot;' => '·', '&cedil;' => '¸', '&sup1;' => '¹', '&ordm;' => 'º', 
	'&raquo;' => '»', '&frac14;' => '¼', '&frac12;' => '½', '&half;' => '½',
	'&frac34;' => '¾', '&iquest;' => '¿',
	'&Agrave;' => 'À', '&Aacute;' => 'Á', '&Acirc;' => 'Â', '&Atilde;' => 'Ã', 
	'&Auml;' => 'Ä', '&Aring;' => 'Å', '&AElig;' => 'Æ', '&Ccedil;' => 'Ç', 
	'&Egrave;' => 'È', '&Eacute;' => 'É',
	'&Ecirc;' => 'Ê', '&Euml;' => 'Ë', '&Igrave;' => 'Ì', '&Iacute;' => 'Í', 
	'&Icirc;' => 'Î', '&Iuml;' => 'Ï', '&ETH;' => 'Ð', '&Ntilde;' => 'Ñ', 
	'&Ograve;' => 'Ò', '&Oacute;' => 'Ó',
	'&Ocirc;' => 'Ô', '&Otilde;' => 'Õ', '&Ouml;' => 'Ö', '&times;' => '×',
	'&Oslash;' => 'Ø', '&Ugrave;' => 'Ù', '&Uacute;' => 'Ú', '&Ucirc;' => 'Û', 
	'&Uuml;' => 'Ü', '&Yacute;' => 'Ý',
	'&THORN;' => 'Þ', '&szlig;' => 'ß', '&agrave;' => 'à', '&aacute;' => 'á',
	'&acirc;' => 'â', '&atilde;' => 'ã', '&auml;' => 'ä', '&aring;' => 'å', 
	'&aelig;' => 'æ', '&ccedil;' => 'ç',
	'&egrave;' => 'è', '&eacute;' => 'é', '&ecirc;' => 'ê', '&euml;' => 'ë',
	'&igrave;' => 'ì', '&iacute;' => 'í', '&icirc;' => 'î', '&iuml;' => 'ï', 
	'&eth;' => 'ð', '&ntilde;' => 'ñ',
	'&ograve;' => 'ò', '&oacute;' => 'ó', '&ocirc;' => 'ô', '&otilde;' => 'õ',
	'&ouml;' => 'ö', '&divide;' => '÷', '&oslash;' => 'ø', '&ugrave;' => 'ù', 
	'&uacute;' => 'ú', '&ucirc;' => 'û',
	'&uuml;' => 'ü', '&yacute;' => 'ý', '&thorn;' => 'þ', '&yuml;' => 'ÿ', 
	'&OElig;' => 'Œ', '&oelig;' => 'œ', '&Scaron;' => 'Š', '&scaron;' => 'š',
	'&Yuml;' => 'Ÿ', '&fnof;' => 'ƒ',
	'&circ;' => 'ˆ', '&tilde;' => '˜', '&Alpha;' => 'Α', '&Beta;' => 'Β', 
	'&Gamma;' => 'Γ', '&Delta;' => 'Δ', '&Epsilon;' => 'Ε', '&Zeta;' => 'Ζ', 
	'&Eta;' => 'Η', '&Theta;' => 'Θ',
	'&Iota;' => 'Ι', '&Kappa;' => 'Κ', '&Lambda;' => 'Λ', 
	'&Mu;' => 'Μ', '&Nu;' => 'Ν', '&Xi;' => 'Ξ', 
	'&Omicron;' => 'Ο', '&Pi;' => 'Π', '&Rho;' => 'Ρ', '&Sigma;' => 'Σ',
	'&Tau;' => 'Τ', '&Upsilon;' => 'Υ', '&Phi;' => 'Φ', 
	'&Chi;' => 'Χ', '&Psi;' => 'Ψ', '&Omega;' => 'Ω', 
	'&alpha;' => 'α', '&beta;' => 'β', '&gamma;' => 'γ', '&delta;' => 'δ',
	'&epsilon;' => 'ε', '&zeta;' => 'ζ', '&eta;' => 'η', 
	'&theta;' => 'θ', '&iota;' => 'ι', '&kappa;' => 'κ', '&lambda;' => 'λ', 
	'&mu;' => 'μ', '&nu;' => 'ν', '&xi;' => 'ξ',
	'&omicron;' => 'ο', '&pi;' => 'π', '&rho;' => 'ρ', '&sigmaf;' => 'ς', 
	'&sigma;' => 'σ', '&tau;' => 'τ', '&upsilon;' => 'υ', '&phi;' => 'φ', 
	'&chi;' => 'χ', '&psi;' => 'ψ',
	'&omega;' => 'ω', '&thetasym;' => 'ϑ', '&upsih;' => 'ϒ', '&piv;' => 'ϖ',
	'&ensp;' => ' ', '&emsp;' => ' ', '&thinsp;' => ' ', '&zwnj;' => '‌', 
	'&zwj;' => '‍', '&lrm;' => '‎',
	'&rlm;' => '‏', '&ndash;' => '–', '&mdash;' => '—', '&lsquo;' => '‘', 
	'&rsquo;' => '’', '&sbquo;' => '‚', '&ldquo;' => '“', '&rdquo;' => '”', 
	'&bdquo;' => '„', '&dagger;' => '†',
	'&Dagger;' => '‡', '&bull;' => '•', '&hellip;' => '…', '&permil;' => '‰', 
	'&prime;' => '′', '&Prime;' => '″', '&lsaquo;' => '‹', '&rsaquo;' => '›', 
	'&oline;' => '‾', '&frasl;' => '⁄',
	'&euro;' => '€', '&image;' => 'ℑ', '&weierp;' => '℘', '&real;' => 'ℜ', 
	'&trade;' => '™', '&alefsym;' => 'ℵ', '&larr;' => '←', '&uarr;' => '↑', 
	'&rarr;' => '→', '&darr;' => '↓',
	'&harr;' => '↔', '&crarr;' => '↵', '&lArr;' => '⇐', '&uArr;' => '⇑', 
	'&rArr;' => '⇒', '&dArr;' => '⇓', '&hArr;' => '⇔', '&forall;' => '∀', 
	'&part;' => '∂', '&exist;' => '∃',
	'&empty;' => '∅', '&nabla;' => '∇', '&isin;' => '∈', '&notin;' => '∉', 
	'&ni;' => '∋', '&prod;' => '∏', '&sum;' => '∑', '&minus;' => '−', 
	'&lowast;' => '∗', '&radic;' => '√',
	'&prop;' => '∝', '&infin;' => '∞', '&ang;' => '∠', '&and;' => '∧', 
	'&or;' => '∨', '&cap;' => '∩', '&cup;' => '∪', '&int;' => '∫', 
	'&there4;' => '∴', '&sim;' => '∼',
	'&cong;' => '≅', '&asymp;' => '≈', '&ne;' => '≠', '&equiv;' => '≡', 
	'&le;' => '≤', '&ge;' => '≥', '&sub;' => '⊂', '&sup;' => '⊃', 
	'&nsub;' => '⊄', '&sube;' => '⊆',
	'&supe;' => '⊇', '&oplus;' => '⊕', '&otimes;' => '⊗', '&perp;' => '⊥', 
	'&sdot;' => '⋅', '&lceil;' => '⌈', '&rceil;' => '⌉', '&lfloor;' => '⌊', 
	'&rfloor;' => '⌋', '&lang;' => '〈',
	'&rang;' => '〉', '&loz;' => '◊', '&spades;' => '♠', '&clubs;' => '♣', 
	'&hearts;' => '♥', '&diams;' => '♦'

# Translation of invalid Unicode references range to valid range
# these are Windows CP1252 specific characters
# they would look weird on non-Windows browsers
# if you've ever pasted text from MSWord, you'll understand
$b2_htmltranswinuni = array(
	'€' => '€', // the Euro sign
	'‚' => '‚', 
	'ƒ' => 'ƒ',  
	'„' => '„',
	'…' => '…',
	'†' => '†',
	'‡' => '‡',
	'ˆ' => 'ˆ',
	'‰' => '‰',
	'Š' => 'Š',
	'‹' => '‹',
	'Œ' => 'Œ',
	'Ž' => 'ž',
	'‘' => '‘',
	'’' => '’',
	'“' => '“',
	'”' => '”',
	'•' => '•',
	'–' => '–',
	'—' => '—',
	'˜' => '˜',
	'™' => '™',
	'š' => 'š',
	'›' => '›',
	'œ' => 'œ',
	'ž' => 'ž',
	'Ÿ' => 'Ÿ'

# ** RSS syndication options **
# these options are used by rdf.php (1.0), rss.php (0.92), and rss2.php (2.0)
# length (in words) of excerpts in the RSS feed? 0=unlimited
# Note: this will not apply to html content!
$rss_excerpt_length = 0;


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