Yes, but you will have to manipulate your database tables to do it. Each post is numbered sequentially, and deleting posts doesn't make all the others get re-numbered. Remember all the sample posts that showed up when you did your installation? Each of those takes up a post ID, so all your stuff comes after those numbers. You would have to re-assign an ID to each post in evo_posts, then make sure you do a similar task for each post_ID in evo_categories.
Yes, but you will have to manipulate your database tables to do it. Each post is numbered sequentially, and deleting posts doesn't make all the others get re-numbered. Remember all the sample posts that showed up when you did your installation? Each of those takes up a post ID, so all your stuff comes after those numbers. You would have to re-assign an ID to each post in evo_posts, then make sure you do a similar task for each post_ID in evo_categories.