2 slamp Sep 13, 2005 15:25

a handful of searches produced my original question at the top each time. This causes me to conclude that either I am using the wrong search criteria or the most relevent posting to my question is the question itself which does not bode well for finding an answer. In my oppinion most of the postings I've seen propose ways of dealing with problems that result from some of B2 EVO's features. I want to simply eradicate some of these features.
phpBB sorts search results chronologically, with the most recent result at the top. That's why you're seeing your post first.
- Get the new "Low Calorie" antispam table: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=5394
- Stop B2Evo From Logging Hits http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=5396
- Simple Cache Hack v0.3 :arrow: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=25724#25724
- CPU Usage Reduction Hack: Auto pruning of old stats: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=5245
- [HACK] WhiteList the good guys: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=5416
lot of idea to fight about spam: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewforum.php?f=30
It would be nice if, in the new version, many of the core features (such as pings and hitlogging) could be migrated to plugins that could easily be disabled or removed if they are not necessary. That would make the core of b2evolution very small and light while still offering many features via optional (but perhaps included by default) plugins.
Do some search on the forum or on http://plugins.b2evolution.net/ you will find some hacks or plugins to remove this features, add a cache system and so on