2 kwa Sep 13, 2005 01:41

:o You're absolutely right! I didn't see that. I never would've expected that having the "www" would make a big difference. I have much to learn... Thanks kwa! Always pulling me out of sticky situations :lol:
jinbrother1 wrote:
:o You're absolutely right! I didn't see that. I never would've expected that having the "www" would make a big difference. I have much to learn... Thanks kwa! Always pulling me out of sticky situations :lol:
Probably changing the $baseurl to:
$baseurl = '/blog';
would make it easier for you, but I never tried it before.
As you can see, you have always to check your blog after any change if you want to understand what happened wrong. This remark is not specific to [url=http://b2evolution.net]b2evolution[/url] blogs, but general to computers (or even more).
Your domain appears to have been:
[url=http://jinbrother1.fifthdesign.com/]http://jinbrother1.fifthdesign.com/[/url][/list:u]and appears to be now:
[url=http://www.jinbrother1.fifthdesign.com/]http://www.jinbrother1.fifthdesign.com/[/url][/list:u] I believe you or your host changed that recently. Change the domain name as before, or edit the conf/_config.php file to update your new domain as: