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1 Sep 20, 2005 23:20    

I have deleted everything down to just one main blag page (using a wpc_default temp) and I've noticed I've had posts drop off the page which is normal but no way to go back now and look that would be apparent to the user.

How can I either increase the page or number of posts allowed before it moves it, or is there a simple code I can pop in to move to prior posts?

2 Sep 20, 2005 23:47

I think you just add:

<?php posts_nav_link(); ?>

In my skin it comes after the END OF POSTS comment line in _main.php. I'm not sure how to describe where it should be put other than that, and I'm not sure how important it's location is anyway.

And my final excuse, this may be the wrong code snippet anyway.

But I'd give it a try. :D

3 Sep 21, 2005 20:52

That worked perfectly! thank you.

Does anyone know of a way to INCREASE the lenght of the page so I can display more posts without them jumping to another page? Seems after about 5 posts it drops off and I'd like to see about 10 or so before it drops off.

4 Sep 21, 2005 21:48

That's easy enought. Just go into the backoffice and click on the Settings tab. You can set the # of posts you'd like to display before they get paged.

5 Sep 21, 2005 22:30

Nate you've seriously earned some points here.. lol

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