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1 Sep 21, 2005 07:30    

Is there any plugin available for rendering complicated math expressions? Ideally, the plugin should accept (la)tex math expression, and should then render an image that corresponds to the expression. (Output to MathML is nice too, but it is lack of browser support at the moment.)

I tried to search online and found similar plugins but they are for other blog engines. I wonder if I've missed out a nice one for b2evolution. Please advice! If there's no such plugin available now, I'm considering porting/configuring some other plugin for b2evolution.

2 Sep 21, 2005 07:46

My sorry excuse for a brain tells me once upon a time someone went to a lot of trouble to properly display complicated mathymatickle formulas properly in a blog, but that's not what you're after and I couldn't find it anyway. I think maybe that person didn't spell math correctly... might be sorta where you want to be. What kind of low-rent number freak am I to have not even tinkered with that is beyond me, but I didn't remember it until I saw it again and realized I forgot it.

By the way thanks for fixing the numbers to words page. I read your writeup and decided to not sneak a peak at the source code because I want to undo a step you took - make a php thingie that does the deed. If I don't look at your code and actually get somewhere I'll know it's not because I copied yours ;)

EDIT: now I see the links in that post are dead. Bummer.

3 Sep 21, 2005 08:03

Oops... then I have to port some plugin over.
I'm considering to port the latexrender ( over. Please tell me if anyone is aware of other choices. Once I've managed to do it I'll share it here.

EdB wrote:

By the way thanks for fixing the numbers to words page.

Ha... in fact, thanks for reminding me to fix that link.

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