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1 Sep 23, 2005 13:37    

Hi b2evo friends,

i want to backup all my posts localy with a client side weblog tool like wbloggar (can be on MAC OSX too). That means I want to download all or certain posts, store the posts local (in one step, not post per post) and want to use them later.

Later means, that i want to reuse some posts for another weblog (with another weblog system - drupal). I want to post all or certain stored entries in batch-mode to this system.

And I want to write one post and send it to different weblog systems (here b2evo and drupal).

Is this possible?

Please help. Thx.


PS: I integrate a wiki system (Erfurtwiki) with b2evo. It's very nice because I have now a blog, a wiki and a lot of content management feature in one system. With all the benefits of b2evo. Take a look atg 100%-b2evo-site...

2 Sep 23, 2005 21:52

paulap01 wrote:

i want to backup all my posts localy with a client side weblog tool like wbloggar (can be on MAC OSX too). That means I want to download all or certain posts, store the posts local (in one step, not post per post) and want to use them later.

That should be possible by setting (temporary) the Posts/Days per page setting you can find under the Settings tab. Set it to a very high value in order to include all your posts into your favorite syndication data formats (RSS, Atom, etc.)

paulap01 wrote:

PS: I integrate a wiki system (Erfurtwiki) with b2evo. It's very nice because I have now a blog, a wiki and a lot of content management feature in one system. With all the benefits of b2evo. Take a look atg 100%-b2evo-site...

Nice site.

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