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1 Oct 03, 2005 23:06    

Well, sort of.

As it is now, I have an admin section that will load it's banner controls (Write, Edit, Categories, etc...) but for some reason it never loads anything under said banner anymore. It doesn't spit errors, it just doesn't show any fields or anything below the default admin banner. I would assume something got deleted, but I really pin down what. We had a bit of a virus problem on the server and since that was fixed this has been the case.

It will probably end in reinstall, and that's fine, but if this has happened before, it would be nice to have some clues as to what could have been dropped. Anyone seen this? Thanks in advance.

Edit: Also, dammit, move this if it's in the wrong place. Apparently I suck at figuring that out.

2 Oct 24, 2005 02:32

Dunno if you've moved past this yet, but did you try re-uploading the /admin/b2edit.php file? Not sure that would do anything for you, but it might.

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