2 yabba Oct 07, 2005 00:53

I'm seeing a print_r for an array before your post!!!
EDIT: I'm now thinking of a skin that intentionally looks like a code dump...
We were trying to make the final touch ups...it is working now :)
Regarding the resolution...well you are right, but it has been a while since I gave up on 800x600...it is just too small for my designs, if I may call them like that, but thanks for the comment :)
You are mentioning high resolution...well....the image background is fixed...and this is the best size I came up with to make everyone slightly happy...I use very high resolution but if you mean the scrollbar it is meant to be that way cos I do not want the image to strech.
I like the look of it but the dual scrollbar, (on the browser and the blog content) is very annoying, even more so because the dual scroll still exists even at 1024x768!?! How about having the background image of the building facade fade to black toward the bottom, then allowing the main blog content to extend vertically downward without the scroll? You could still use the faded image behind the content, which looks nice, and have it fade to grey where the background fades to black...
I don't know.. just thinking out loud.
[EDIT: Doesn't validate either... :( ]
I like it.
I notice 3 funny things about your link to b2evolution. First, it probably should not be capitalized. The software is called "b2evolution", not "B2evolution". Second, and more importantly, you link the name to the forums. You should link to http://b2evolution.net/ instead. THAT is the software you are using, this is only the forums that help users with issues.
Third, and most importantly, I notice that the only blog number with ANY credit link to b2evolution is the one you linked in your post. In other words, you do not give credit for the free software you are using. Why is that? Is there a reason I should not remove the link to your site since you don't give a link to the people who wrote the code you use?
EDIT: blog #5 contains a proper link to b2evolution.
Thanks again for all your input.
Some of my answers here:
To jibberjab
1. Now you do not have the dual scrollbar at 1024x768. I did not want to alter the magazine kind of look and feel by the fading effect you mentioned so I got rid of some things and rearranged others.
2. Validation: You were right, there several <meta: xxxxxxxx /> causing the error. Now it validates :)
To EdB
1. The link capitalization was a typoh
2. Same for the link: I copy pasted and I forgot to change the link. Why would I want to point to the forum? I AM FULLY aware of the software I am using, but I guess it is easier to assume I am a prick than just a fool who made a mistake. And I know what a forum is by the way.
3. Third and most importantly, there are three blogs on Cricava: 5,6,7. All of them have the proper link, especially now that I have corrected the link on the one I mention here.
So, to the question if there is any reason to remove my link to my site, since supposely I do not have the link to the people who wrote the code I use...I guess we have the answer since the links are actually right there. But if you still feel like removing the link to my site: be my guest.
Since you are very active in the forums, I am surprised to find that you have a very rude way to communicate. If you mean to "sound" like that, then that's fine, you are rude and I guess I have to deal with it. If you do not mean that, well then maybe -and this is only my personal opinion- you should revise the way you write the messages. No need for ironic and retorical questions. And it is not bad either to check twice before accusing people. And even if you have something to point out, there are more friendly ways to do so.
Still, I really appreciate the fact that you took your time to answer my post. Perhaps you could have used that time to check how we contributed to this software too and realized that we DO care. You could have saved one of your ironic remarks.
Thanks again for all your comments.
EdB wrote:
I notice 3 funny things about your link to b2evolution. First, it probably should not be capitalized. The software is called "b2evolution", not "B2evolution". Second, and more importantly, you link the name to the forums. You should link to http://b2evolution.net/ instead. THAT is the software you are using, this is only the forums that help users with issues.
Third, and most importantly, I notice that the only blog number with ANY credit link to b2evolution is the one you linked in your post. In other words, you do not give credit for the free software you are using. Why is that? Is there a reason I should not remove the link to your site since you don't give a link to the people who wrote the code you use?
EDIT: blog #5 contains a proper link to b2evolution.
EdB, I have exchanged posts with you on the past. I am the owner of BLOG #6 at CRICAVA, which DOES contain a link back to b2evo. Furthermore, if you have navigated our BLOG sites then you should've noticed that I am someone who contributes plugins and answers to forum posts to help other b2evo users. I even took it one step further and I also noticed to b2evo users about how to avoid the XML-RPC deface issue. Guess I'm not someone who doesn't recognize the product I'm using, right?
As Claudia said, double check things before posting. A lot of people would have found your statements to be nearly out of line. Eventhough someone can accuse someone else of anything, because of the freedom we so luckily possess on the internet, you STILL have the responsibility to not alter the truth. I could so easily point out that your BLOG doesn't have a link back to b2evolution, and then when you answer it does, say: it wasn't there when I looked into it. So let's just have some respect, ok?
BTW, the open source community is about sharing knowledge, not about finding what someone else is not sharing. Just a thought.
Rude? In total I pointed out four issues with the page. The last, the lack of a link back to b2evolution is generally seen as rude by the person who doesn't have the link. I checked each blog and viewed the source, and only because I noticed the capitalized link on blog #7 which caused me to notice it was linked to the forums.
Sharing, like communicating, is a two-way thing. As you are well aware, no one who plays on the forums gets anything out of it other than a personal satisfaction. My motivation is that I enjoy the code. Heck I don't even use the software that much, but I like to tinker in the code and I like to help people with questions they have in the forums. Unfortunately some people see fit to remove the credit link and ask questions here. Many times people have said it was an oversight, and in some of those cases the owner has gone back in and put the link in place. In most cases however the owner chooses to argue against the presence of the link, and commonly points out how it's open source. That's true: it's open source and it's yours to do with as you see fit.
But it's not right. If someone in your real-world community did something wrong would you turn a blind eye, or call them on it? I choose to call them on it. Here in this forum I consider asking for help or feedback after removing the credit link rude, and will call people on it.
When I saw the link to the forums I wondered what was up, so I looked at other blog numbers. I looked, then looked again, then posted my question. I then looked again because I don't like to call people on this if I missed something, and sure enough: I missed something. That's why I edited my post to point out my mistake.
BTW I sort of like the skin. I'm not a fan of scroll bars inside the page because I can't use my mouse wheel or arrow pad keys to scroll through the text, but all in all I like it. I'm also seeing something funny that maybe you'd want to address. I use Firefox and I told it to only load images from the originating website, so where your post says "this is where we are" I don't see anything. The note that says click on the image for a full size version is the only reason I knew to poke my mouse around in that area.
Ok, let's just assume that it is hard sometimes to see the other person's intentions when you "read" them and let's leave it like that.
If I took it on the worng way, then I will forget it.
I use Firefox and I do not seem to have that problem but we will look into it.
Thanks again for your comments.
If you mean the image thing, on my tools tab I select options, then web features. I get a box for "load images" and a sub-box for something like "from the originating website only". I checked both boxes, which does a pretty good job of stopping third party ad images. The drawback is that I also don't get to see images someone is hosting on stuff like flicker (or whatever it's called). I believe that option was unchecked by default, meaning I had to go in and tell it to not show me images from an outside domain.
I'm on a dialup and want to stop the bandwidth hit images take is why.
I have no idea what one might do about it. Your note about clicking on the image was enough for me to know there was an image I was missing, and since I know my setup I figured out to hunt with my mouse.
Well, the issue with the images is that hosting them locally is not really an option for the long run because each show will contain lots of pics with really high resolution since we will talk about them...and on the other hand probably many people uses that feature you mention...so...no much of a choice then :-/
EdB wrote:
The drawback is that I also don't get to see images someone is hosting on stuff like flicker (or whatever it's called).
Should be able to add flickr to the 'exceptions' tab in that same dialog box.
The problem is I have to add the primary site - not the outside site. Like I use myway.com, but they use someone else for weather images. I except myway.com, so I get the weather images.
Way off topic though. We can start a thread in chat, but we should keep this thread focused on majorsky's web design.
Nice as your skin looks, it takes up less than 1/4 of my screen and has a scroll bar.
You should try and make a skin fit 800x600 but not penalise higher resolutions.