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1 Oct 07, 2005 02:14    

I have my blog and I have friends who blog, now I want to build a site that reads these feeds and displays them as a unified mini-site. Is there an opensource tool that can accomplish this? I thought that was the purpose of feeds, but I can't seem to find a clever way to join the feeds into a 'superblog' site of sorts.

Thanks for your suggestions.

3 Oct 07, 2005 03:25

its not easy - like b2evolution install and config. I found

which uses a Lilina version, which uses magpie behind to make the display run.

4 Oct 07, 2005 03:29

When I was switching blog apps I tried out Nucleus and Blog:CMS. One of them had a built in aggregator. I don't remember which now. It was pretty simple to add feeds.

5 Oct 09, 2005 15:01

I'm setting up a B2 evo install for educational use and I've pulled in the feed from a friends blogspot blog

The system is here

Click on "ACL Resources" or go direct

What you'll see is the feeds from her blogspot blogger - is this the kind of thing you're after?

My friend sent me this code to paste into the site where I wanted the feed

<script language="JavaScript" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<noscript><p>Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: <a href="">adult and community e-learning: uk</a><br/>Powered by FeedBurner</p> </noscript>

It looks like she's using feedburner to send me the feed to her blog. I've not used feedburner but I'll bet it's pretty straight forward as I've found most of these things to be.

As part of the same excercise I'm collecting a set of RSS resources here

6 Oct 28, 2005 16:48

The problem I'm finding is that I need it to handle photos. As I'm a photographer and i want to aggregate the photos from several blog feeds into a homepage and tracking system.

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