2 personman Oct 09, 2005 18:33

Thanks, for the quick response.
Again, I'm a newbie. How hard is it to create a new user blog?
I see you can easily set user permissions in admin.
As for categories for post, does that mean any member with a blog can post anywhere?
No categories for blog does that mean there is just a list of other blogs somewhere?
Does b2e create and users get a subdomain, directory or direct page:
I think this seems like a great script, but want to be able to host other blogs easily. Is the development moving in thatdirection?
Thanks again,
Go to the Blogs tab, then click 'New blog.' You fill out the full name, short name and locale. Then the next section is called Access parameters. This is where you decide what the url will look like. If you use the second choice (other blog through index.php), then the url would be like this:
If you use the third choice (other blog through stub file) it can be like this:
But that requires you to create a file on the server for each blog. You just copy the a_stub.php file that came with b2evolution, rename it to joe.php and change the blog number in it.
does that mean any member with a blog can post anywhere?
No, you can set specific permissions on each blog that tell who can do what to that blog.
Most skins can display a bloglist of all blogs on that installation. So if you have the right box checked in the backoffice, then you'll see a list of all the blogs along the top of your blog, or in the sidebar.
b2evolution does support multiple users and multiple blogs.
You can allow users to register themselves, but you still have to manually create each blog and give a user permission to post on it.
There are categories for posts, but not categories for blogs. (I'm not sure which you were asking about.