2 personman Oct 12, 2005 06:46

I dealt with this issue a LONG time ago, but for the life of me, I can't find WHERE.
So ... starting fresh, I'd recommend this:
In your post, you can put something like this:
"Footnotes are a pain in the arse" - Sir Walter Cronkite<a href="http://yoursite.com/entryPermalink#note1"><sup>[1]</sup></a>
[EDIT] First ... the html checker barfed on me, because it doesn't like the "#note1" as the HREF (the html-checker wants links fully formed, so you need to use "http://mysite.com/entryPermalink#note1" - the full Monty, so to speak.)
Anyway ... then, lower down (end of document or page) ... you put
<p id="note1">This is the footnote for poor Sir Walter Cronkite, may he rest in peace.</p>
[EDIT] Then, when you click the link, the page will "bounce" to the footnote. (You can use the same technique to bounce the reader BACK to the entry, after reading the footnote, by assigning an "id=back1" to the original <a href> and adding a <a id="note1" href="http://mysite.com/entryPermalink#back1">.)
It's XHTML-valid ... just need to find a way to get it to pass the html-checker.
Hope this helps.
-stk :D
PS - Check out [url=http://www.hundiejo.com/philosophy/index.php/a/2005/07/02/galileo_and_his_conflict_with_the_cathol#one]this site[/url], as it appears he's implemented my suggestion PLUS added a the capability to go back (named the <a> tag that calls the footnote ... sort of). Anyway ... it might show you what I'm talking about.
Yeah - I saw the sample site you sent. That looks pretty cool but it may be more trouble than its worth. I do not want to be hacking the files too much. I'm afraid when I make updates or upgrade the software, i will lose some of the functionality and won't remember what I did.
For more, I'll do the footnotes static. Perhaps this can be a [tag] in a future release for b2Evolution.
Thanks. Edgar,
its a relatively easy quicktag to add, I can paste the code I use for you if you like .. in fact im using it in my newest post. Holler if youre interested
Very little "hacking" involved in this, so I wouldn't be concerned.
If you specify the full URL to the footnote, there's no problem with the html-checker.
The code is XHTML-valid.
What's not to love?
This thread might be helpful: