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1 Oct 16, 2005 03:04    

I recently updated to 0.9.1 Dawn
and now it seems like I am getting more referral spam than before???

Everytime I wake up some donkey-a*se-r*pe site is sitting happily at the top of my referral list.

I update the blacklist everyday..

Ummm sorry to be a pain but I havent looked into what has changed in the new version, are whoo's methods still needed/recommended?

ANY help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

2 Oct 16, 2005 04:17

For a few weeks, I have comment and trackback spam on my blogs what I've never had until now. However, I'm still using a patched 0.9.11 Paris [url=]b2evolution[/url] release installation for months now.

With the usage of both [url=]BlockUntrustedVisitors()[/url] and [url=]Bad Bevahior / Bad Behaviour[/url], those spams have been reduced (from a few tens a day to a few a day).

Dawn is known to reduce spam's impact on your blogs. If you believe you have more spam, it's probably a spammer or a group of spammers have discovered your blog in [url=]Google[/url].

3 Oct 16, 2005 05:23

kwa is right: your increase in spam means that they finally got you. Dawn fights spam very effectively in several ways. First, it doesn't even deliver the page to a known spammer (in your blacklist) - it immediately gives them a 403 error. This saves your server a bunch of useless loading. It also removed the stats from public view as a message to spammers to not bother. They haven't learned yet, and the ones who spam b2evolution blogs won't stop, but it's a good message to give.

Almost all hacks for antispam measures are still very valid. The only one I know of that isn't valid is the "isaac hack" that includes a bit of code in your conf/hacks.php file to give the spammers a 403 error message. That hack is the source of one of the features in dawn, so, whatever whoo-hack you're looking at is probably valid. My personal whoo-hack is "rename htsrv folder" cuz it's so easy and stops automated trackback and comment spam.

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