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1 Oct 18, 2005 15:36    


I've noticed that when my users try to add pictures in their message only the "gif" display with no problem... However for "jpg" it's only when it is written in small caps within the given url that it works however sometimes a pictures may have jpg capitalized as "JPG"... and when the url is inserted like that the picture won't display...
Does anybody have any idea on how to go around this issue... since the average blog users wouldn't have the type of knowledge to understand this type of problems and fix it.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated


2 Oct 18, 2005 23:48

I post images with a capitol .JPG extension all the time, and don't have any problems. Are you sure that's the issue? Can you provide a URL? Any more details (version, server, etc.)?

3 Oct 20, 2005 03:38

As long as the <img> tag "src" reference MATCHES the file's extension (caps or lowercase), then it should work fine.

However, because picture.JPG is a different file than picture.jpg ... I recommend sticking to ALL uppercase or ALL lowercase, to avoid confusion.

I suppose, though I've never tested it ... the file could be named "picture.JpG" and would need to be called with a <img src="picture.JpG"> and neither "picture.JPG" OR "picture.jpg" would work.

-stk :D

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