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1 Oct 20, 2005 05:20    


I've followed the install to the letter, twice, and came up with the same problem both times:

First, my blog is not visible. I've changed the skin and nothing. I edited the config file as instructed. Nothing.

I can log into the admin area and see all my posts in the EDIT tab but get nothing when I hit EDIT nor do I get anything under the WRITE tab.

So I wiped out the whole blog and reinstalled the blog. Same problems.

Any help would be appreciated!

2 Oct 20, 2005 05:26

Do you have any hacks installed, like maybe a hacks.php file in your conf folder? On my server when there is an error that stops the page from being made I get the error displayed, but on another server I play on all I get is a completely blank page. It happened after I did a hack of some kind, so I sort of knew what killed the page - just didn't know why.

Anyway that's why I'm asking if there is anything non-standard in your installation. Even a customized skin could be part of the issue - not that I know what the issue would be.

When you do an install can you see the default page before you login?

Are you installing a brand new blog or upgrading an existing one?

3 Oct 20, 2005 05:38

I am upgrading from As instructed I wiped out the entire blog off my server so no hacks or custom php pages. I then uploaded all the files from the b2evolution DAWN rar file. Nothing new added.

When I hit the "WRITE" tab in the Admin area, I can see up to "Link to URL" field and then nothing. No error messages, no code showing.

Here is the sorce code from the WRITE page:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xml:lang="en-CA" lang="en-CA">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
	<title>b2evo :: New post in blog</title>
	<link href="variation.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Variation" />
	<link href="desert.css" rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Desert" />
	<link href="legacy.css" rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Legacy" />
		<script type="text/javascript" src="styleswitcher.js"></script>


<div id="header">
	<a href="" title="visit b2evolution's website"><img id="evologo" src="../img/b2evolution_minilogo2.png" alt="b2evolution"  title="visit b2evolution's website" width="185" height="40" /></a>

	<div id="headfunctions">
		Style:		<a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet('Variation'); return false;" title="Variation (Default)">V</a>&middot;<a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet('Desert'); return false;" title="Desert">D</a>&middot;<a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet('Legacy'); return false;" title="Legacy">L</a>		&bull;

		<a href="">Logout</a>
		<a href="">Exit to blogs <img src="img/close.gif" width="14" height="14" class="top" alt="" title="Exit to blogs" /></a><br />

		<div id="headinfo">
		b2evo v <strong>0.9.1</strong>

		&middot; Blog time: <strong>11:28:12 pm</strong>
		&middot; GMT: <strong>03:28:12 am</strong>
		&middot; Logged in as: <strong>admin</strong>

	<ul class="tabs">
	<li class="current"><a href="b2edit.php?blog=5" style="font-weight: bold;">Write</a></li><li><a href="b2browse.php?blog=5" style="font-weight: bold;">Edit</a></li><li><a href="b2categories.php?blog=5" >Categories</a></li><li><a href="b2blogs.php" >Blogs</a></li><li><a href="b2stats.php" >Stats</a></li><li><a href="b2antispam.php" >Antispam</a></li><li><a href="b2template.php">Templates</a></li><li><a href="b2users.php" >Users</a></li><li><a href="b2options.php" >Settings</a></li><li><a href="tools.php" >Tools</a></li>

<div id="TitleArea">
<h1><strong>:: New post in blog:</strong>
<a href="b2edit.php?blog=1" onclick="return edit_reload(this.ownerDocument.forms.namedItem('post'), 1 )" title="Switch to this blog (keeping your input if Javascript is active)" class="OtherBlog">Hey</a> <a href="b2edit.php?blog=5" onclick="return edit_reload(this.ownerDocument.forms.namedItem('post'), 5 )" title="Switch to this blog (keeping your input if Javascript is active)" class="CurrentBlog">My Bloggola</a> </h1>

<div class="panelbody"><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
	function DoSpell(formname, subject, body)
		document.SPELLDATA.formaction.value=" ""","Spell","toolbar=no,directories=no,location=yes,resizable=yes,width=620,height=400,top=100,left=100")
	 * open_preview()
	 * fplanque: created
	function open_preview(form)
		// Stupid thing: having a field called action !
		var saved_action =  form.attributes.getNamedItem('action').value;
		form.attributes.getNamedItem('action').value = ''; = 'b2evo_preview';
		preview_window = '', 'b2evo_preview' );
		// submit after target window is created.
		form.attributes.getNamedItem('action').value = saved_action; = '_self';
	 * edit_reload()
	 * fplanque: created
	function edit_reload( form, blog )
		form.attributes.getNamedItem('action').value = 'b2edit.php'; = blog;
		// form.action.value = 'reload';
		// form.post_title.value = 'demo';
		// alert( form.action.value + ' ' + form.post_title.value );
		return false;

	function launchupload()
	{ ("b2upload.php", "b2upload", "width=380,height=360,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes,status=1,toolbar=0");
	// End -->

<!-- ================================ START OF EDIT FORM ================================ -->

<form name="post" id="post" action="edit_actions.php" target="_self" method="post">

<div class="left_col">

	<input type="hidden" id="blog" name="blog" value="5" />
	<input type="hidden" id="action" name="action" value="post" />
	<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="" />
	<!-- In case we send this to the blog for a preview : -->
	<input type="hidden" name="preview" value="1" />
	<input type="hidden" name="more" value="1" />
	<input type="hidden" name="preview_userid" value="1" />

		<legend>Post contents</legend>

		<span class="line">
		<label for="post_title"><strong>Title:</strong></label>
		<input type="text" name="post_title" size="48" value="" id="post_title" tabindex="1" />

		<span class="line">
		<label for="post_locale"><strong>Language:</strong></label>
		<select name="post_locale" id="post_locale" tabindex="2"><option value="cs-CZ">Czech (CZ)</option><option value="da-DK">Danish (DK)</option><option value="de-DE">German (DE)</option><option value="en-EU">English (EU)</option><option value="en-UK">English (UK)</option><option value="en-US">English (US)</option><option value="en-CA" selected="selected">English (CA)</option><option value="en-AU">English (AU)</option><option value="en-IL">English (IL)</option><option value="en-NZ">English (NZ)</option><option value="en-SG">English (SG)</option><option value="es-ES">Spanish (ES)</option><option value="es-MX">Spanish (MX)</option><option value="es-VE">Spanish (VE)</option><option value="fi-FI">Finnish (FI)</option><option value="fr-FR">French (FR)</option><option value="fr-CA">French (CA)</option><option value="fr-BE">French (BE)</option><option value="gl-ES">Galician (ES)</option><option value="hu-HU">Hungarian (HU)</option><option value="it-IT">Italian (IT)</option><option value="ja-JP">Japanese (JP)</option><option value="lt-LT">Lithuanian (LT)</option><option value="nb-NO">Bokm&aring;l (NO)</option><option value="nl-NL">Dutch (NL)</option><option value="nl-BE">Dutch (BE)</option><option value="pt-BR">Portuguese (BR)</option><option value="pt-PT">Portuguese (PT)</option><option value="sk-SK">Slovak (SK)</option><option value="sv-SE">Swedish (SE)</option><option value="th-TH">Thai (TH)</option><option value="tr-TR">Turkish (TR)</option><option value="zh-CN">Chinese(S) gb2312 (CN)</option><option value="zh-TW">Trad. Chinese (TW)</option></select>


				<span class="line">
		<label for="post_url"><strong>Link to url:</strong></label>
		<input type="text" name="post_url"  size="40" value="" id="post_url" tabindex="3" />
	<div class="edit_toolbars">

And thats where it dies.

Oddly enough, in the EDIT page, all my line breaks are gone. Does this help? Like I said, I can see my posts in the "EDIT" area and I've backed up the old blog so I'm not panicking yet.


4 Oct 20, 2005 05:59

I'd say restore your previous installation (files) and consider two things that can help you troubleshoot the issue.

First, try installing dawn in a new folder just to see if it will work. It'll need it's own database, and I'm pretty sure you'll have a bit of a headache with your password due to how the cookies are handled. You can get around that issue by editing conf/_advanced.php and changing "$b2evo_name = 'b2evo';" to something like "$b2evo_name = 'testing';" The whole idea is to make sure dawn is happy on your server, not that I can understand why v10 would be happy and v91 be unhappy.

Second, consider upgrading first to v12 then to dawn. Either way, there is an xml-rpc security patch that needs to be installed. If you've installed it already that's good, but upgrading to v12 would mean needing it again.

Oh and a third comes to mind. Dump your local copy of dawn and download a fresh one, then unzip it. I'm guessing unrarring can be called unzipping since it's sort of the same thing. Anyway I'm thinking that maybe one or more of your dawn files got trashed somehow, so if you start from a brand new downloaded zip/rar you can rule out that possibility.

5 Oct 20, 2005 22:51

It was late when I gave up and reinstalled the back up, so I wasnt able to say "thank you" for the quick help, EdB.

I will take your suggestions into consideration and give them a whirl!



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