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1 Oct 23, 2005 13:13    

as far as i can tell, the only way to add write any new entries or "posts" (whatever is the best way to call it) the only way i can add stuff (other than comments) is if i'm logged in under my admin account, and i go to the admin section.

shouldn't i be able to add new general content if i am a user w/ proper priv.?

or, even w/ the admin account, is there supposed to be something on the public pages which allows for adding new content? or must we always add new content from the admin section?

i can't believe i'm understanding a lot of this blog, but that part i just don't get.

thanks for your help!

2 Oct 23, 2005 13:27

wait... i think i've got it now. the idea is that you DO HAVE to go to the admin section to make a post. it's just something that takes some "getting used to"-- as in, this is one of the ways in which it differs from, for example, a phpbb2, or other message board communities. as an "authorized user", you essentially do actually go into the "admin" section-- yes? just as a user, and not as an admin, so you're not going to be able to modify anything except to make a new "post". am i on the right track here?

3 Oct 23, 2005 15:33

Welcome to b2evolution! :)

There is some vernacular associated with this blogging tool.

The Back Office is what you see when you log into b2evolution.

You can make new posts (or entries, your choice) in the "Write" area.

You edit existing posts in the "Edit" area.

Under the Users tab, you can add/delete users and assign privilege levels. I'd recommend renaming the "admin" account to something else (cause everyone has "admin" by default, which can be a security risk). As an administrator (level 10), you have the full range of control (add/edit posts, users, blogs, categories, etc.)

If you've got a user that you want to make posts, but aren't knowledgeable enough to make other changes, then create a new user and assign them to a lower level.

Hope this helps.

Have fun! -stk :D

4 Nov 04, 2005 15:11

hey, thanks for the reply. yes, it does help.

it is such a truly good blog software that it is indeed overwhelmingly vast at first. i really drifted off into blog-admin-land for a few days after installing this. i must admit that, after a great amount of influence from "the other side", i also installed wordPress, which was indeed a bit easier to get "up and running", although i still think b2ev is the superior tool, and has better features, etc-- i still have my b2ev up. i also decided to go the WP route because i understand that b2ev is soon to receive an update (some users say "long overdue"?), so i want to come back to it w/ more dedication after that.

i must say, however, that after working w/ WP a bit, b2ev makes a lot more sense to me now. again, i do think it looks a lot better than WP (sans Themes), and in general just seems a more professional software.

i welcome your feedback here, please.

5 Nov 04, 2005 15:29

Actually, we welcome yours.

I installed b2evo because, originally, it was available on the "fantastico" list. I did some basic research between the choices (b2evo, Nucleus, pMachine & WP), decided that I liked the multi-blogging and linguistics capability of b2evo. I installed the thing and never looked back.

It's been my impression, generally, that software overlaps functionality by 80-90%, but it's the 10% that makes it "different". Once you start to get the "blogging lingo" down ... you'll start seeing oodles of similarity between competing products.

I'm happy with my b2evo install, but yes, we're all looking forward to some of the features that are going to be included in the upcoming "Phoenix" release. Just like many are looking forward to the CSS support that will be offered with IE7.

WP seems to have a much larger user-base and I know that their "plug-in" options are diverse and feature-rich. However, maybe I'm a bit of a rebel, but I prefer the smaller, more diverse and international user-base of b2evo. We've had visitors on our site from all over the World and I've even made some e-friends in India and the UK that I correspond with on a semi-regular basis - b/c of b2evo. I like to think of b2evo as the "thinking person's" blogging tool..

Just my 2c, but it's been a year since I made my comparison. I'm very interested in hearing your experiences with WP and (and when you make a decision to go with one or the other) WHY.


-stk :D

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