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1 Oct 23, 2005 19:05    

I've been trying to figure this out for hours now, and I just can't seem to get it. I want to take the content of a post and do string formatting on sections of it, but I can't figure out what string to use.

<?php $text=(substr( **content string here** , 0, 3)) ?>

I've severley edited my main.php file to get it to look exactly as I want and this is about the last step before I can publish my blog. Can anyone offer some advice?

2 Oct 23, 2005 21:09

The content of a post should be


you can either try inserting that directly, or assigning it to a variable first.

You might also try

$post_content = format_to_output ($Item->content,'htmlbody');
$post_content = (substr ($post_content, 0, 3));

Hope that helps.

-stk :D

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