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1 Nov 04, 2005 08:57    

When I create a new blog or blog system I often have to populate it with multiple user accounts which can be laborious. I can't find any other solution in the forums and I wondered if there were an easier way of creating bulk user accounts.

2 Nov 04, 2005 16:25

You could enable self-registration.

3 Nov 04, 2005 17:55

in some instancers I do that personman but there are times when it's not suitable like a project where I need to give 20 schools 25 user accounst each

4 Nov 04, 2005 18:54

Ok, I see. It shouldn't be too hard to write a script that creates the rows in the users table. How would you want it to work? You would feed the script the number of users you want to create and some criteria for naming the new users and creating passwords (newuser1, newuser2, or something), and then it would need to output it as a table or CSV or something, right? Let me know if I'm getting warmer.

5 Nov 06, 2005 17:31

not only are you warmer personman, you hit the nail right on the head

6 Nov 13, 2005 23:37

I've created a 40 user 40 blog system mostly by tweaking file in notepad and then importing to MySQL. Still had to do a lot of repetative back office drudge to give users passwords and permissions but now this is done I could export the tables and reuse. I wonder if I should post these files somewhere here as of possible use for educational use. Just generic usenames and passwords but the users can log on and change.

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