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1 Nov 11, 2005 03:46    

Today, I received this message from my hosting company:

"Today we were forced to block your account.
We have detected that on 9-Nov-2005 you have used 8.52%, and on
8-Nov-2005 - 5.66% of the CPU power in course of 24 hours which is
against the Terms and Conditions you have agreed with when signed up for
our services."

"In the most cases the reason is in big quantity of MySQL queries or
incorrectly developed PHP scripts, but you must find the exact reason on
your own."

My question is - has anyone seen excessively high CPU utilization from b2e? I am running "Paris" version, and any information on what I can provide to debug this or, if this is a known problem, patch this - that would be very helpful.

I did see the XML Exploit and have applied that patch. I am not sure if this will be sufficient.

Thanks in advance,

3 Nov 26, 2005 19:35

I also just got a message from my hosting company saying the instability of my site was due to its high CPU usage.

1. Did the upgrade to the current release solve the problem? I am also on Paris.

2. What else could be causing this and how can I reduce it?

4 Nov 26, 2005 20:56

A link to the site in question ALWAYS helps!!!

GENERIC ANSWER: be using the .9.1b release (which currently is the latest), and keep your antispam tables up to date. If you don't have the latest antispam table you lose most of the benefits .9.1b gives you with regard to saving your server. See for info re your local copy of the antispam table.

5 Nov 29, 2005 14:53

ok, so I downloaded and installed 0.9.1 last night. I sent my host an email asking them to look at it and see if it was any better.

my site is

Before that I had sent them an email asking me why they took it down and this was their reply. I post it here, just to be sure this is going to fix the problem they were having with my site.

Unfortunately was effecting the server so badly that the only way to keep the server running was to disable the site.
Several instances of PHP processes were cycling and each process was using between 60% and 90% of the CPU before moving on to the next process.

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