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1 Nov 14, 2005 04:04    

I have b2evo blog set up on my home page as an include - it happily uses as its directory, calling up files no problems.

BUT, the default directory for /blog/skins/basic seems to impose itself on every subsequent file I call up (ie files not used by the b2evo blog). This happens even if I specify the full directory path to my files >:XX

eg <? include "privacy.php"; ?> should appear with the URL:

BUT instead ends up with a nonsense URL along the lines of: >:-<

I'm sure the fix is probably simple, but after hours of pawing through b2evo blog files I still cannot find what or where I need to edit to force a directory change back to my home directory.

Any suggestions or work-arounds to this problem would be appreciated... :?:

2 Nov 14, 2005 17:56

I'm not sure I fully understand the problem, but it may have to do with the <base> tag that b2evolution adds to your skin. This tag is required for the images and style sheets of your skin to show up, and affects any relative URLs in your page. The fix for that is to use root-relative URLs (that begin with a slash), or absolute URLs that include the domain name and everything.

I can't give more specific information because all of your URLs give me a 404, so I can't see what your blog is actually generating.

3 Nov 14, 2005 18:16

Thanks Kweb

I found a work around using the HTML <base href="..."> tag.
I will have to take a peak at the <base> tag shortly ;)

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