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1 Nov 14, 2005 12:48    

I'm a b2ev and a WordPress user. Recently, i've come back to my b2ev blog, now that i've got my feet wet w/ the WP training wheels.

I've come across a few displayed items things I'm confident could be shown in a different manner-- even if it means to modify the PHP, but my guess is that there are settings in the Admin section.

One such item is the "timestamp" on the comments... wait a minute... i looked back at my blog to verify something, and i see that the time is now displaying as i [thought i had set it and] wanted it. [i guess it simply took a moment to calculate, or load the code??]

Another such item is the Authors' "homepage" URL, as shown in the "comments" area-- by default, if a User has his or her own URL as part of the user profile, it is shown as part of the comment author header. if a lot of comments are added by authors w/ URL's in their profiles, those URL's shown in the comments begin to clutter the page. is there a way to either 1) modify the CSS which styles it-- so i can change the font-size to something smaller, or 2) remove it altogether?


2 Nov 14, 2005 13:11

.bCommentTitle a{


3 Nov 15, 2005 01:22

hey, thanks for the tip! is there some "global" CSS where this should go, or must i add it to all of my "skins" CSS files?

4 Nov 15, 2005 08:44

You can probably add it to rsc/basic.css as it tends to be included by most skins, but I'd add it to my individual skins style sheet.


5 Nov 15, 2005 10:46

okay. what is rsc/? just curious... is that an abbreviation?

6 Nov 15, 2005 10:59

According to google it's the Royal Shakespeare Company :p

It's just a folder where common resources are stored ;)


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