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1 Nov 19, 2005 07:53    

I'm a tech novice. I can't figure out how to add a new sidebar entry like a blog roll to my blog. I've been on b2 for a year now. I'm sure what I'm asking is quite simple. I know basic html, all that. I just can't figure it out. I can't find any post that explains this. Maybe it is there, whatever. I use Drupal for another site, and it is just click and add for a sibebar. I know b2 is not like that, and that's cool. I want to stick with b2 for my main blog, but I have to figure it out.

2 Nov 19, 2005 08:22

A couple of thoughts. The thing b2evolution calls a linkblog is what acts like a blogroll. You go into your blogs tab and pick a blog then use the dropdown box to pick a different blog as your linkblog. Lets say you're using blog #2 and want to use #3 as your linkblog, so you do. Now you post links in blog #3 and they show up in the sidebar of blog #2. You probably don't want to post a lot of text with your links that you post in blog #3 because the text will also show up in the sidebar. Basically a title, a link, and maybe a sentence about the link.

That depends on if your skin has the linkblog code in it, which you can add if it doesn't, which is also what you'd have to do if you want to use an external blogroll application.

Go to skins/your_skin_name(usually custom)/_main.php and sorta read through the code a bit. The code is heavily commented and will tell you where the sidebar starts. With just a bit of thinking you'll be able to figure out which block of code is doing what part of the sidebar because the names will make sense. Like something with "calendar" in it is the calendar ;)[]=92 is the HowTo manual and it's got quite a few things that might help you in general. One post that should help a lot is It's about removing sidebar stuff, so just do what it says only backwards.

Hope this helps!

4 Nov 19, 2005 18:26

I read another post earlier and figured this out.However, what can one do if they accidentally deleted their Link Blog thinking they didn't need it?


5 Nov 19, 2005 18:41

Create a new blog. In your admin settings for the blog you want to use it, select it's name as the linkbog. You can use any blog as a linkblog ;)


6 Nov 19, 2005 20:49

Thank you again... it's up and running :)

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