1 jibberjab Nov 21, 2005 19:46
3 jibberjab Nov 21, 2005 23:16
Is it the "allow_moving_chapters" piece changed to 'true', or just changing cross-posting to 2? I actually have crossposting set to 3 right now anyway, just overlooked that as a possibility. I guess I'm just trying to eliminate as much as possible the 'broken links in search engines' issue.
If I approach this as moving the posts by creating new categories in the new blog, then moving the posts to the new blog by crossposting and then removing the original post location, the same category name will have been assigned a new number within the original stubname structure and, hence, will have a different URL than the original post.
I figured if I could alter the reference in the table, then the category name would stay the same, the same stubname would be used for the new blog as the old, and that way no links will be broken in search engines.
4 topanga Nov 22, 2005 13:16
Don't crosspost.
Just move the categories to another blog.
Change from false to true, and you will see in the backoffice that you can move the categories to another blog.
That point you won't have errors in your links.
better is : moving the categories trough the back-office.
change the file conf/_admin.php
And then assing your categories to another blog.