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1 Dec 08, 2005 21:03    

I have an upcoming project where I need to allow bloggers to upload images to a directory on our site (so they don't have to find their own webhost for pictures).

I read many of the threads on how to upload pictures, but they all seem to say different things that leave my head swimming. Would somebody be so willing and kind enough to write up a definitive TUTORIAL for the FAQ section or here. I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance.

2 Dec 09, 2005 01:11

You should be all set when Phoenix gets released. You can define media directories per blog or even allow users to use own directories.

Try it out at the demo:

You can upload from the "Write" tab or the "Files" tab and you'll have control to give permissions on a per-user or per-group basis.

To test user directories you'll have to first go to "Settings / Files" and check "Enable user directories".

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