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1 Dec 10, 2005 13:00    

Hi there,

My little blog used to burn something around 2 or 3 Gb of bandwidth month, but the spammers made use 35Gb last month (and I was keeping anti-spam up to date).

Well, I decided that the best way was to block them from accessing my server through .htaccess and mod_rewrite.

I wrote a little script that captures the anti-spam list from B2 itself, that's what I've done.

That's actually pretty simple, and can be used with the Antispam Update Through Cron ( )

First you do need to create a .htaccess file (edited)

Than create a php file with any name you want to (lets call this htaccess_generator.php), with this inside:


$dbhost		=	"localhost"; //your DB host, usually localhost
$dbuser		=	"db_username"; //Your DB username instead of "db_username"
$dbpasswd	=	"db_pass"; //Your DB password instead of "db_pass"
mysql_select_db("db_name",$db); //Your DB name instead of "db_name"

$page = "
#If you do have some custom HTACCESS, you can add it bellow this line

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On

$result = mysql_query("SELECT aspm_string FROM evo_antispam");
	while(list($keyword) = mysql_fetch_row($result)){

		if ( eregi("\.",$keyword) ) { $keyword = eregi_replace("\.","\\.",$keyword); }
		if ( eregi("\?",$keyword) ) { $keyword = eregi_replace("\?","\\?",$keyword); }

		if ( eregi("\.",$keyword) ) { //Filtering what does not seems to be domain name... 
		$page .= "RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} (.*)$keyword(.*)$ [NC,OR]\n";


$page .= "RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} (.*\.zone-h\.org.*) [NC]
RewriteRule .* http://%{REMOTE_ADDR}/ [R=301,L]


exec("chmod 777 .htaccess");

$thelist = ".htaccess";

if (is_writable($thelist)) {

   if (!$handle = fopen($thelist, 'w')) {
         echo "Sorry, could no open ($thelist)";

   // Write $page to our opened file.
   if (fwrite($handle, $page) === FALSE) {
       echo "Sorry could not write on ($thelist)";
   echo "Success, the file was writen ($thelist)";

} else {
   echo "The file could not be writen";

exec("chmod 644 .htaccess");


If you are not using the automatic spam update, you just need to run the script after update your anti-spam. If you are using, just add to the end of the cron line:

Make this

0 */6 * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/my_username/public_html/admin/b2antispam_poll.php

Look like this

0 */6 * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/my_username/public_html/admin/b2antispam_poll.php ;  wget -q -O /dev/null

Well those are my two cents, hope it can be usefull for someone ;)



2 Dec 10, 2005 13:48

ok, well with all respect, I missed the part where you you changed the perms on that .htaccess back to something thats not WORLD-WRITABLE. Oh wait, you dont

I dont reccomend that ANYONE use a script that requires a chmod 777 .htaccess. 8|

3 Dec 10, 2005 14:10

whoo wrote:

ok, well with all respect, I missed the part where you you changed the perms on that .htaccess back to something thats not WORLD-WRITABLE. Oh wait, you dont

I dont reccomend that ANYONE use a script that requires a chmod 777 .htaccess. 8|

Ho geeezzz.. you can be ironic, clever boy !

It could have be a bit more usefull if you had pointed out a possible solution... But anyway, you were right on that.

Changed the script (in the initial post), it now chmod .htaccess to 777, write and chmod it back to 644...

4 Dec 10, 2005 20:13

much better :)

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