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1 Dec 11, 2005 00:35    

Is it possible to change the RSS feed extension? I'm trying to use [url=]TagCloud[/url] and I don't think it likes my site's feed because it ends in "rss2.php?blog=2" rather than in the traditional ".rss". Any ideas?

Here's an example of what my tags looks like versus CNN-Offbeat news, which ends in ".rss":

(and yes, I've waited several minutes [weeks, actually] for the tags to generate)

2 Dec 11, 2005 01:18

You could configure your webserver like this in .htaccess (Apache and mod_rewrite would be required):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/rss/blog_([0-9]+).rss$ /xmlsrv/rss2.php?blog=$1 [L]

This would redirect /rss/blog_2.rss to /xmlsrv/rss2.php?blog=2.

On the other hand I don't believe that this is the root of the problem (the extension of the URL).

3 Dec 11, 2005 01:33

That sounds really complicated... I could try it, but I'd probably mess something up.

You said you don't think the extension is the problem... any other ideas?

4 Dec 11, 2005 01:37

I'd ask the TagScout support or search their support forums (if there are any) and/or Google of course.

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