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1 Dec 14, 2005 20:12    

I've looked around for the answers, and the closest I came was here:

I'm afraid I don't know how to make it look like "01.05" or "12.05" (i.e. month.year) using php.

Another sidebar issue I'm having as that my category listing won't line up with the rest of the links in my sidebar. I assume it's some design issue, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

This is my web addy:

Thanks for any help.

2 Dec 14, 2005 20:13

Also, I forgot to ask: how do you get rid of the numbers in parenthesis after the archive date?

3 Dec 15, 2005 17:59

By the way, it's okay if you can't answer *all* my questions. Every little bit helps at this point, so an answer to any one thing would be fine...

5 Dec 15, 2005 20:29

I didn't purposely remove the linkback... My page is a work in progress - no actual visitors yet - and I haven't put up my "about site" box back up yet. And like I said, I already looked around (using seach) and didn't find what I was looking for, save the link I provided. Thanks for jumping to conclusions and not bothering to actually read my full post, though. And no, that doesn't help at all, since I've already tried both those resources.

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