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1 Dec 14, 2005 20:42    

I have a membership script that seems to be "intercepting" the blog script. The B2 seems to be jumping on the Membership include script and looking for the blog file within the membership database instead of the blog database. It is giving me "Table 'XXXXXX_members.blog_blogs' doesn't exist(Errno=1146)". Now when I take away the membership include script, it finds the database where it should be. The code is being placed in the custom/_main.php file. Any help on this please.

2 Dec 14, 2005 22:08

youre not closing the other mysql query for the membership script.

however your membership script is being opened, something like so:

$connect = mysql_connect($DB_SERVER, $DB_USER, $DB_PASS);

the query needs to be closed:


the above is just an example.

3 Dec 14, 2005 23:55

I think that is right, because that only started happening since I switched hosts, and the new host is about to upgrade their system with a main point that their connections aren't closing. So that little function you suggested, do I put that in the "_main" page for now until they upgrade?

4 Dec 15, 2005 00:04

you put that inside or within (at the end [when its done doing what it needs to do], obviously) whatever script you are using to open that OTHER database..

"The code is being placed in the custom/_main.php file."

Just append the added code to close whatever connection its making ..

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