2 caschy Dec 18, 2005 15:07

The problem with packaging this skin is that the top graphic would have to be redone by whoever was going to use the skin. If you click on the top logo and "view background image" you'll see what I mean. Also, the background colors pretty much can't be changed without redoing a lot of the graphics. Because of those issues I never tried to package this skin for anyone else. But if you still want it I can get you the files.
Yeah, i want it. Can u upload it somewhere?
I'll work on it and get back to you soon (in a day or so).
Heres a editable version of that header:
Open that png file in fireworks v8 and u will be able to move stuff around etc.
And for a sugestion to the skin, maybe some padding on the left side of the posts, i just can't stand when text starts directly on the border.
The skin's not my cup of tea, but obviously it is others.
I can understand your frustration with the curved border images.
I've actually cut curved borders out of my skins now, too much hassle.
Hi Balupton,
The text margins are the way they are because the primary users of our website are using ie5 for the mac (students at our school). ie5 for mac, ie6, and firefox all do different things with the padding/margins and it was too much of a headache for me to figure out at the time, so I just made it fit the best I could and didn't really finish that part of the job. :lol:
Thanks for providing an editable image. I have some header versions I'll include in my package but I appreciate your work.
By the way, I'm not planning on submitting this skin to the repository, but I don't mind sharing if individuals are interested.
Just install firefox 1.5 on the macs ;)
Firefox 1.5 all the way!
I also upgraded to the new 'Summer Beta', and for the most part it was a smooth transition. I had to make some custom changes to the skin I was using.
I'm still having issues posting URLs, for some reason it doesn't seem to accept HTML code for URLs.
Great Skin! Where i can get it?