2 edb Dec 19, 2005 15:44

Yep I've subscribed to a plug-in group
I want a quote book or similar plugin
I do have links on my site to b2evo just in the links spot not on the footer, is that not permissable?
It's a sig file! Shows up on every post I've made until I change it. Then whatever I do in my sig will show up on every post I've made. Lots of people think I'm saying that to them but I'm not: I'm saying it to future visitors who'll probably come across something I've posted before they post. It's a pet peeve of mine okay? I'm not a developer and have no personal gain or loss from b2evolution. I'm a forum junkie is all!!! Reckon I should change my sig file again but I do like sending that message to the future...
Quite a few of us are working on groovy plugins. Can't say for sure what you're after is in the works, but b2evo post phoenix is a whole new playground for us hacky types. Gigglin' like bitches we are! I am tinkering with a handful of things just to get flexible with what I can easily do now. Others are *much* better at it than I, so I wouldn't be surprised if one day a plugin comes out that does what you're hoping for.
I don't know how you do it, looking at codes , when I was putiing all my site together the checking all the little dashes and dot's and such are all in there little proper places gave me nightmares where I'd be dreaming little dot's, :oops: arrgh!! But I got to say that what you guys can do is so great, i love it, I just wish I knew someone in my group of friends who knows this kind of stuff coz I'm the only one!
Now I know that your signature is just a deterant I'm cool with that! Great idea you should get credit for such a great thing!
I've already recommended it to my friends but they want me to set it up for them(typical)!
What's the phoenix do? exactly I was just looking at the description on the plugins page and it's not making much sence to me, sorry, I guess I could just install it and see for my self it would come with instructions I'm sure. I'm glad someone answers this forum, and keeps it current, I have punbb is phbb forum better?
Thanks :D
Gigglin' like bitches we are!
You can subscribe to a syndication feed from the [url=http://plugins.b2evolution.net/]plugins page[/url] if you're into it. When phoenix gets an official release I'm sure that site will be cracking with worthy plugins.