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1 Dec 20, 2005 19:39    

Hi Forum,

I have installed a blog based on older b2evolution verion months ago. It never had much posting because of testing nature we never really put it to real usage. I my time had been spent doing the user a/c creations & skin changes and various settings however. :roll:

We recently decided to move from existing hosting provider to Yahoo Geocities.

Beside migrating the entire SQL db, by exporting and importing, I had also ftp over entire blog's scripts into Yahoo. But configuration don't quite match and I got:

MySQL error!

Error establishing a database connection!

   1. Are you sure you have typed the correct user/password?
   2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
   3. Are you sure that the database server is running?

I have several things unsure:

1. Yahoo Geocities instructed that we change hostname to mysql instead of local host. Which I did, but my in previous install I had to specify entire socket URI to have it working. Not sure if just mysql alone will be good enough in Geocities?

2. SQL User & Password. In case of migrating like this the entire SQL is a different one from the past. I am not sure weather I must create in the SQL a new set of User & Password just for b2evolution only, or can I just use a User & Password that is also used by my CMS?

3. Similarly, what about the Database? Can I just create a new blank Database or must I import everything from the old installation.

4. Instead of migrating this way, what if I just do a new installation. I think I can copy skins over. But what about the blog's settings & blog user accounts? Any way to transfer over from the old installation?

Hope some experts will kindly comment.

Thanks & regards


2 Dec 20, 2005 22:07

1. You must specify the full path of your mysql location.
2. Your default administration user login stuff would be fine for b2evolution
3. You can create a new database and then import your old one in that way - Do this BEFORE you install b2evolution
4. I wouldnt recomend a new installtion if your going to overwrite it.
Create your database, import the old information, then install b2evo on top of it.

3 Dec 21, 2005 04:27,18,46&

In Geocities' instruction mysql is the only string needed, it seemed to be a system defined shortcut. It worked by my other SQL php scripts (CMS)

But with b2evolution at my previous hosting server, nither localhost nor would work for b2evolution. I had to change to:


before it would work.

4 Dec 21, 2005 04:28

ok this is out of my league.....

5 Dec 21, 2005 05:13

What I am not sure is, weather how I can retain my old blog's settings.

I think I know how to retain the skins, that is copying the folder from skins

But I am not sure if all the rest are in SQL, including all the blog users and catagories and anti-spam settings.

Can any one confirm that beside the SQL there is only the skin folder to retain?

The whole consideration is, if I know how to retain the old blog's settings, I can just forget about keeping any of the old php folders except skins and just download and install a new blog 1st. And then port in my SQL plus skins.

Lacking of information now, cause me to hesitate on the whole exercise. ;)

6 Dec 21, 2005 05:16

all the blogs settings, preferences, users, posts, blogs.... all the blogs information is stored in a mysql database.

The only thing that is files, is the interface, not any of the information.

So by restoring your db you will keep all your settings, all you need to do is copy your skins and plugins directory accross.

7 Dec 21, 2005 05:29


Thank you :!:

That is to say, my 1st step of using FTP to move my installation is unnecessary.

I should have download the latest b2evolution and install it like fresh instead then port over SQL and skins and plugins. Is that correct? :?:

As for SQL, should be better to create entirely new SQL user and not mixing with other stuffs on the domain such as CMS. s that correct? :?:

Thanks again :!:

8 Dec 21, 2005 05:47

do you have all default skins and plugins, or downloaded ones as well?
And which version of b2evo are you running atm, and which version are u planning to upgrade to?

9 Dec 22, 2005 03:50

You only need to keep your core files if you haven't hacked or changed anything.

10 Dec 22, 2005 04:53

Hes going to perform a new installation why would he keep his core files....

Anyway if you havent customized anything, and all your skins and plugins are avaliable for the version your installing, the only thing u need to backup is your mysql database.

So you:
0) Backup your database
1) Download the version of b2evo you want
2) Restore your database
3) Install/Update b2evo
4) Re-Apply all your skins and plugins

And you will have all your settings and information kept.

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