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1 Dec 23, 2005 23:13    

Hallo, i would like to insert a page as a homepage which is not a post. I want a link in the sidebar on which someone can click to get to the homepage. Of course as the homepage it should appear when someone enters my website.
Is it a big thing to do something like this ?

Thanks for any help!

edit: my website is and there is am homepage now but it is not implemented in the weblog neither it appears first when i enter the website...

2 Dec 24, 2005 15:21

You have a couple of options. You could rename your homepage.html to index.html and it may show up when you go to your domain. Then provide a link to index.php. Your server is probably already set up to show index.html before it shows index.php. If not I can show you how to make sure it does. Or you could rename index.php to blog.php (and change the access parameters in the backoffice to match.)

3 Dec 24, 2005 15:32

ok, so far...

but i want to hae this site implemented in my blog. So that there is the picture in the upper part of the page, and the sidebar on the right.

Is that possible?

Thanks a lot!

4 Dec 24, 2005 15:39

I see. If you want to have some static content in the main area, but have the normal dynamic content in the sidebar, then here's an idea: Create a post for your static content, then use modRewrite to make that individual post appear when a visitor goes to index.html. This will only work if you're using Apache and have modRewrite enabled (you probably do).

Or, if you want to have an actual static page (without the constantly changing sidebar content), then you could just format your homepage to look like your blog. You could view your blog, save page as html and use that as the template for the static page (make sure to pull out any dated content).

5 Dec 24, 2005 16:03

Ok thanks! But the problem is that i do not administrate the server so i do not now if they use apache and i think i cannot alter the server settings...

Happy Christmas by the way...

6 Dec 24, 2005 16:13

If Your server is Apache, then you can change that setting by adding a small file called .htaccess to your folder.

7 Dec 24, 2005 16:41

Ah, ok and what do i write into this file?
Sorry, don't know much about php and such things...

8 Dec 24, 2005 18:54

There's a basic tutorial for modrewrite [url=]here[/url]. But here's what you should try. Create a text file called .htaccess and put this in it:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^index\.html$ index.php?title=der_erste_eindruck&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1

Then put that in the same folder as your index.html and index.php files. That should make index.html display you latest post. If that works, then create a new post with your static content and replace the second part of the second line above with the permalink to your new post. If that doesn't do anything, then you either don't have Apache or you don't have modrewrite enabled.

9 Dec 26, 2005 15:36

thanks a lot for your help, but unfortunately the webserver oes not allow modRewrite...

10 Dec 26, 2005 23:14

I think it might be possible to use a stubfile that only displays one post. You could create a stubfile named index.php, make it show your one post, then make another stub file called blog.php or index2.php that shows the blog normally.

11 Dec 28, 2005 02:57

Ah, that sounds good. I will try to figure out how this works.


12 Dec 28, 2005 03:49

ok, i don't get it...

if i understand it right i put a stubfile named index.php. this file says show blog 5, cat 62.

* This file is a stub file for displaying a blog, using evoSkins.
* This file will set some display parameters and then let b2evolution handle
* the display by calling an evoSkin. (skins are in the /skins folder.)
* Note: You only need to use this stub file for advanced use of b2evolution.
* Most of the time, calling your blog through index.php will be enough.
* Same display without using skins: a_noskin.php
* b2evolution - {@link}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
* @copyright (c)2003-2005 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
* @package evoskins
* @subpackage noskin

this is important to change?!

# First, select which blog you want to display here!
# You can find these numbers in the back-office under the Blogs section.
# You can also create new blogs over there. If you do, you may duplicate this file for the new blog.

$blog = 5; // 2 is for "demo blog A" or your upgraded blog (depends on your install)

# You could *force* a specific skin here with this setting: (otherwise, default will be used)
# $skin = 'basic';

# This setting retricts posts to those published, thus hiding drafts.
# You should not have to change this.
$show_statuses = array();

# You could *force* a specific link blog here with this setting: (otherwise, default will be used)
# $linkblog = 4;

# This is the list of categories to restrict the linkblog to (cats will be displayed recursively)
# Example: $linkblog_cat = '62';
$linkblog_cat = '62';

# This is the array if categories to restrict the linkblog to (non recursive)
# Example: $linkblog_catsel = array( 4, 6, 7 );
$linkblog_catsel = array( 62 );

# Here you can set a limit before which posts will be ignored
# You can use a unix timestamp value or 'now' which will hide all posts in the past
$timestamp_min = '';

# Here you can set a limit after which posts will be ignored
# You can use a unix timestamp value or 'now' which will hide all posts in the future
$timestamp_max = 'now';

# Additionnaly, you can set other values (see URL params in the manual)...
# $order = 'ASC'; // This for example would display the blog in chronological order...

* That's it, now let b2evolution do the rest! :)

where do i select the category? i am a bit confused about this...and its very late...good night and thanks for help![/quote]

13 Jan 01, 2006 03:45

What I did: I alterated the default.php to look the way I wanted (the default.php is the page "called" by the index.php -I have no other "index" file on that directory) and kept each blog with their desired look (each user uses a diff. skin).

Now what I wanna do (have to still figure out how to) is put a link on the side bar of each blog to the main page (wich, btw, is not a blog)

Wanna check?

Happy New Year!

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