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1 Dec 26, 2005 21:51    

i have a question, i open the site normaly but if i click on any link it show this

403 Forbidden
Please stop referer spam.

We have identified that you have been refered here by a known or supposed spammer.

If you feel this is an error, please bypass this message and leave us a comment about the error. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

If you are actually doing referer spam, please note that this website/b2evolution no longer records and publishes referers. Not even legitimate ones! While we understand it was fun for you guys while it lasted, please understand our servers cannot take the load of all this cumulated spam any longer... Thank you.

Also, please note that comment/trackback submitted URLs will be tagged with rel="nofollow" in order to be ignored by search engines.

Could you please help to know how can i remove it

2 Dec 27, 2005 00:23

Without a link where we can see the problem I'm going to take a WILD GUESS here and say that you've banned your own domain in the antispam list.

3 Dec 29, 2005 22:17

i have a question, i open the site normaly but if i click on any link it show this

403 Forbidden
Please stop referer spam.

We have identified that you have been refered here by a known or supposed spammer.

If you feel this is an error, please bypass this message and leave us a comment about the error. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

If you are actually doing referer spam, please note that this website/b2evolution no longer records and publishes referers. Not even legitimate ones! While we understand it was fun for you guys while it lasted, please understand our servers cannot take the load of all this cumulated spam any longer... Thank you.

Also, please note that comment/trackback submitted URLs will be tagged with rel="nofollow" in order to be ignored by search engines.

the site is

Please click on this link and you will see

Could you please help to know how can i remove it

4 Dec 29, 2005 22:39

I can get there from the forums, but can't get anywhere from inside you're own domain. You knew that!

I'll say it again: it looks like you banned yourself in your local antispam table. There is nothing in the master antispam list that would block any part of your URL. You're running 1.6 alpha, so you can use the 'filter' feature on the antispam tab to search for whatever it is that's blocking your site from refering to your own site. rss or dub or dubai or are nice little filters to check out.

5 Dec 29, 2005 23:58

I can't enter inside to the backoffice, it show the same page

What can i do?



6 Dec 30, 2005 00:38

Can you access your database with something like phpmyadmin through your web host? If so then you can search your "evo_antispam" table to see if you can figure out what is causing your blog to think your blog is a spammer.

The same thing will apply, though you'll have to be hip to the syntax phpmyadmin uses to search a table. You'll want to search for "like" conditions, which means the search string it uses will be something like this:

select from `evo_antispam` where `aspm_string` LIKE %'dubai'%

That's not exactly what it'll give - all I did was type what my head tells me it oughta be like - but the idea is you have to select "LIKE" from the dropdown box when you "search" your antispam table after selecting it. You might have to search a couple of different strings to figure out which part of your URL is the key that is matching in your antispam list, assuming this is really the problem. I'd start with 'dubai' if I were you since I suspect you've got yourself in your own banned list.

This would make a nice feature: NOT allowing a blogger to add or report an antispam keyword that would ban their own base URL.

Good luck, and let us know if you get resolution or not.

7 Dec 30, 2005 01:41

I didnt fond anything like dubai or rss or other and i can't enter to make the filter, hope you can help me more


8 Dec 30, 2005 10:13

I check if there something blocking the site from refering to my own site. rss or dub or dubai or, there is nothing i delete the database only the file evo antispam and i put it again, still i can't access, do you think it's from the hosting? or from the database??


9 Dec 30, 2005 19:36

makarios, I've tried reproducing it by using your site as referer for - no problems.

So, please set $debug = 1 in /conf/advanced.php and look at the debuglog at the bottom of the page.

There should be hints. Either in the "hits" section or DB query list, where it checks the evo_antispam table. Of course, you should look at the Debuglog that gets displayed on the referer-spam-page.

10 Jan 03, 2006 01:53

makarios, a follow up to your private message, where you've sent me your /conf/_application.php file (!).

Please just write

$debug = 1;

at the end of /conf/_advanced.php (!), in a single line, before the last "?>" (if there's any). This should output a Debuglog at the end of every b2evo page. Please look at it and when not sure, just paste the whole Debuglog output here - when accessing a page where the "Referer spam" error appeared.

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