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1 Dec 31, 2005 19:33    

Ok I have my blog skinned but how do I make that work for the pages too...cuz unlike wp there isnt the page there anyway too? cuz I want my pages to go with the corresponding skin!

2 Dec 31, 2005 20:34

That's the way it works - every page that b2evolution generates will be skinned according to whatever skin the visitor has selected. BTW since you saw fit to remove the link back to b2evolution (powered by...) don't expect too much help from these forums. It's free software and free support, and every skin starts with a linkback.

3 Dec 31, 2005 22:04

actually what she is looking for is what wp does-- allow you to create pages with the admin area that are styled the same: about pages, recipe pages, pretty much anything -- in the back end of wp, you may chose to write a post OR write a page.

In short, _aquiline, this isnt wp, and so youre on your own in styling your other pages and I have to agree with edb about the linkback (youre even more on your own, no help from me available)

4 Dec 31, 2005 22:34

ok the link would be on the site page...but since i dunno how to make those work thats a prob cant you please tell me how to?

5 Dec 31, 2005 23:50

again, "Write Page" isnt a b2evo feature.

if you are simply needing to style another page that you have created, than you will need to make the approprate changes to your stylesheet callout within that page. Since you are allowing ppl to choose their skins that makes it a little harder BUT it can be done using cookies.

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