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1 Jan 16, 2006 19:23    

I have a domain that I would like to open to free blogging and was wondering if this software can support that scenario (user comes to site and wants to create their own blog at and then it is created and becomes does that make sense?)

Let me know.

3 Jan 17, 2006 03:46


Yes. Not sure how much work, if any is involved, because I've not used the software for that. I believe some admin (manual intervention) is required to "authorize" the new blogger, but I also believe that there are ways around this.

Maybe someone with more experience can assist, but rest assured ... it can be done.

Hope this helps.

PS ... here's a thread that might give you some more information.

4 Jan 17, 2006 15:29


I've been going nuts trying to locate something that can do this and have turned up very little.

5 Jan 17, 2006 18:01

Glad it helped. b2evo is a great blogging tool for multi-users, so I know that you'll be able to achieve what you want. It's just a matter of looking in all the right places.

The search function here should help. (keyword AND/OR keyword)

Good luck.

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