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1 Jan 17, 2006 13:21    

I get the following.

[code]Permission denied! (files:view:)[/code]

The media folder is 777
Group and user permissions is set to upload/read/write for the admin suer which I am logged in with.

I have uploaded some files just to see then, but what goes wrong when I get the above error message. It could be a bug in Phoenix, but it seems other have had the same problem, but solved it with user permissions.

Can it be the owner of the files or what...

I just migrated to a Linux machine with apache and upgraded to Phoenix because of some problems on IIS and the earlier version of b2evolution.

Hope someone has an answer.

3 Jan 20, 2006 17:19

I did search through the forums before trying this, but I did follow the the permission descriptions.

The weird thing is that I installed a clean blog where it works.

The one not working was upgraded, so I could use all the old posts, and users. The strange thing is that I cant see the button Upload even though the user I am testing with (admin) has all group permissions enabled on the blog, and in the general settings / Files the following is also enabled
Enable Filemanager
Enable blog directories:
Enable creation of dirs:
Enable creation of files:
Enable upload:

I cant find anything more to configure to enable this.

4 Jan 20, 2006 17:54

On upgrade to Phoenix-Alpha those permissions were not added.

Adding them manually for the blog should work. You say that you have enabled all group permissions for "Administrators"? Have you verified it in the "Wide" layout in the permissions editing tab?

Are you "only" missing the Upload button in the "Write" tab? Can you access the blogs through the "Files" tab? Can you upload from there?

5 Jan 21, 2006 01:00

Suddenly after testing (adding/deleting) on my clean installation nothing would show. I made some searches through the forums. You helped another guy with a bug in Phoenix about blogs not existing. I figured out how the evo_bloggroups worked and got that to work, and suddenly came to realize that group permissions are entirely new and mayby my "old" administrator didnt have full access, since there was no filemanager in the old version.

Low and behold, every group setting under the menu blogs was correct, but the Administrator group under the menu Users & Groups didnt have access to files and other restricted access.

Now I just have too find out how I link to the files since that have changed. Mayby I am just to tired right now.

Thanks for all the help. Including all the other posts :-)

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