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1 Jan 29, 2006 22:06    

I installed b2evolution and have an ALL, A & B, and Linkblog Title blog.

What is the Linkblog Title about?

My main question is to determine if the Linkblog Title is supposed to be where all my URL Links will be keep. I want to provide URLs to other sites on my blog. So I don't know where or how to do that.

2 Jan 30, 2006 18:16

The linkblog can be included in the sidebar of the other blogs if you like. Go to the blogs tab, select one of your blogs, then select the linkblog in the dropdown box labeled Default linkblog. Save your settings, then anything you post in the linkblog will show up in the sidebar of the other blog. You could set your first three blogs to use the fourth blog as the linkblog. Or you could create a new linkblog for each of the first three blogs.

If you don't see it in the sidebar after changing your settings, then the skin you're using might need to be edited to include the linkblog code. You can just copy the relevant code from the custom skin.

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