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1 Jan 29, 2006 22:54    

as the subject said, I´m little bit confused.

As I see in the Blog there is a 1.6 Alpha (great product :-)

But when I tried the Demo it tells me that it is 1.7 Beta. Can someone explain me that? Is 1.7. near a Release Candidate?

Sorry, if this question is silly? I did some search etc. but I couldn´t found an answer...or a posting about this


2 Jan 30, 2006 00:22

1.7 beta is the better version (or will be the better version) of 1.6 alfa.
Nothing more and nothing less.

it became a whole tenth of a number more, because they seriously added stuff in it.

it's gone from alfa to beta, because a lot of bugs are out there.

3 Jan 30, 2006 00:24

Thank you for your answer.

I was confused, because in the news blog I cann´t read about 1.7 BETA, only about 1.6 Alpha.

Still looking forward to 1.7 (or something else ;-) with many good features.


4 Jan 30, 2006 04:51

1.7 Beta is the current CVS version, it is not yet available for download.

5 Jan 30, 2006 04:54


The 1.7 version is a CVS (concurrent versions system) system version. b2evo is "open source software", which means that there are a number of contributors to this free product. If you look for b2evolution on the source forge site, you'll see that 1.7 is publicly available, but it requires a program like winCVS to keep it straight (as it changes quite frequently).

It is, however, the "lastest and greatest" ... adding/changing many of the features and functions available in the "alpha" (v1.6) that's available on the site.

Hope this helps.

6 Jan 30, 2006 20:54

Thank you for your explanation.


8 Jan 30, 2006 22:41

Thank you.
I have no access at my webspace to enter a command line ...

But I installed 1.6. Alpha - it´s very interesting and make me hopeful to use it in the future.

Is there a plan (I know: don´t say it before release) when the 1.6/1.7. Beta will come out. I have to change my Wikisoftware and I consider to transfer some of the content to b2evo. But I have to start leaving my old software soon, so it depends if the Beta is a question of days, weeks or months.


9 Jan 30, 2006 22:44

the beta and future versions are just fixes, and major updates to the way plugins are installed and called.
So unless u dont do anything with the database or plugins there should be nothing to worry about.

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