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1 Jan 30, 2006 20:33    


I have several domains all on the same server. Do I have to install b2evo on each domain, or can one install handle multiple blogs across multiple domains? I'm the only one posting to these blogs, and all would be separate categories.

for instance: domain1/blogabouttopic1

If this is possible, what do i need to do to set it up so the proper domain is listed in the URL? for example, if domain 1 has the b2 software, and a visitor goes to domain2 to read the blog there, i don't want them to see the directory for the domain1 blog.

thanks much. b2 rocks :)

2 Jan 31, 2006 23:06

The current stable version of b2evolution (0.9.1) does not work for a setup like that. The upcoming version will support that. You can download an early release of version 1.6 (alpha) on the download page. Multi-domain support is one of the features that they're still improving, but it basically works.

3 Feb 05, 2006 03:43

thanks again for the help, personman. I appreciate it.

It would be cool if there would be a way to at least have the beefy files -- the "engine," if you will, be shared across domains. But in any event b2evolution has proven to be very useful and a lot of fun.


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