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1 Jan 31, 2006 14:16    


I'm totally new to blogging, but I installed b2evolution and I'm up and running and learning as I go along. So far, I haven't really customised much beyond the basics.

I post quite a lot of source code (Delphi and VB6 FWIW) and I'd love it if I could make it look better than it does by just wrapping it in <code></code> tags.

Mainly, I'd like to keep the indentation, but some syntax highlighting would be nice too!

Is there a simple way to do within the b2evolution package?

I do have a tool for Delphi which exports code as HTML with syntax highlighting and so on, but it relies on CSS and styles and if I just paste it in to a blog entry, it doesn't work. Do I need to look further into this route, perhaps add the styles to my template?

Any advice appreciated.

Blog is at by the way.

3 Feb 01, 2006 11:21

That's great! Thanks. Now I have a VB solution too.

However, both depend on CSS style sheets. Am I right in thinking that I need to edit my template to include the style sheets for VB formatting and Delphi formatting?

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