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1 Feb 03, 2006 12:36    

Is posible to add tag cloud into my blog? Is there any hack or plugin for b2evolution 0.9.x (I searched around forum and google and nothing)

thanks :oops:

3 Feb 05, 2006 01:28

I got it!
Based in the information of the link below, I change _categories.php file to get a Category cloud (like technorati, based in the number of posts of categories. To use it, the only thing you have to do is change the _categories.php of your skin for this. Here is the code:

	 * This is the template that displays (recursive) list of (sub)categories
	 * This file is not meant to be called directly.
	 * It is meant to be called by an include in the _main.php template.
	 * b2evolution - {@link}
	 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
	 * @copyright (c)2003-2005 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
	 * @package evoskins
	if( !defined('DB_USER') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

	# You can customize the following as you wish:
	if(!isset($cat_all)) $cat_all = /* TRANS: All categories, skin's categories list */ T_('All');	// Set to empty to hide
	# global category list delimiters:
	if(!isset($cat_main_start)) $cat_main_start = '<p>';
	if(!isset($cat_main_end)) $cat_main_end = '</p>';
	# Category delimiters:
	if(!isset($cat_line_start)) $cat_line_start = '';
	if(!isset($cat_line_end)) $cat_line_end = ' ';
	if(!isset($cat_line_checkbox)) $cat_line_checkbox = false;
	# Category group delimiters:
	if(!isset($cat_group_start)) $cat_group_start = '';
	if(!isset($cat_group_end)) $cat_group_end = '';
	# When multiple blogs are listed on same page:
	if(!isset($cat_blog_start)) $cat_blog_start = '<h4>';
	if(!isset($cat_blog_end)) $cat_blog_end = '</h4>';	

	 * WARNING: the category list is displayed recursively.
	 * This is a little tricky. Don't modify below unless you really know what you're doing!
	// ----------------- START RECURSIVE CAT LIST ----------------
	cat_query();	// make sure the caches are loaded
	if( ! isset( $cat_array ) ) $cat_array = array();
	 * callback to start sublist
	function cat_list_before_first( $parent_cat_ID, $level )
	{	// callback to start sublist
		global $cat_group_start;
		if( $level > 0 ) echo "\n",$cat_group_start,"\n";
	 * callback to display sublist element
	function cat_list_before_each( $cat_ID, $level )
	{	// callback to display sublist element
		$a = 5;
		$b = 10;
		$c = 15;
		$d = 20;
		$e = 25;
		$f = 30;
		$g = 40;
		global $blogfilename, $cat_array, $cat_line_start, $cat_line_checkbox;
		$cat = get_the_category_by_ID( $cat_ID );
		echo $cat_line_start;
		if( $cat_line_checkbox )
			echo '<label><input type="checkbox" name="catsel[]" value="'.$cat_ID.'"';
			if( in_array( $cat_ID, $cat_array ) )
			{	// This category is in the current selection
				echo ' checked="checked"';
			echo ' />';
		if ($cat['cat_postcount'] <= $a ) {
		echo '<span style="font-size: 75%;"><a href="'.url_add_param( get_bloginfo('blogurl'), 'cat='.$cat_ID ).'">'.format_to_output($cat['cat_name'], 'htmlbody').'</a></span>';
		} elseif ($cat['cat_postcount'] <= $b ) {
		echo '<span style="font-size: 100%;"><a href="'.url_add_param( get_bloginfo('blogurl'), 'cat='.$cat_ID ).'">'.format_to_output($cat['cat_name'], 'htmlbody').'</a></span>';
		} elseif ($cat['cat_postcount'] <= $c ) {
		echo '<span style="font-size: 125%;"><a href="'.url_add_param( get_bloginfo('blogurl'), 'cat='.$cat_ID ).'">'.format_to_output($cat['cat_name'], 'htmlbody').'</a></span>';
		} elseif ($cat['cat_postcount'] <= $d ) {
		echo '<span style="font-size: 150%;"><a href="'.url_add_param( get_bloginfo('blogurl'), 'cat='.$cat_ID ).'">'.format_to_output($cat['cat_name'], 'htmlbody').'</a></span>';
		} elseif ($cat['cat_postcount'] <= $e ) {
		echo '<span style="font-size: 175%;"><a href="'.url_add_param( get_bloginfo('blogurl'), 'cat='.$cat_ID ).'">'.format_to_output($cat['cat_name'], 'htmlbody').'</a></span>';
		} elseif ($cat['cat_postcount'] <= $f ) {
		echo '<span style="font-size: 200%;"><a href="'.url_add_param( get_bloginfo('blogurl'), 'cat='.$cat_ID ).'">'.format_to_output($cat['cat_name'], 'htmlbody').'</a></span>';
		} elseif ($cat['cat_postcount'] <= $g ) {
		echo '<span style="font-size: 250%;"><a href="'.url_add_param( get_bloginfo('blogurl'), 'cat='.$cat_ID ).'">'.format_to_output($cat['cat_name'], 'htmlbody').'</a></span>';
		} else {
		echo '<span style="font-size: 300%;"><a href="'.url_add_param( get_bloginfo('blogurl'), 'cat='.$cat_ID ).'">'.format_to_output($cat['cat_name'], 'htmlbody').'</a></span>';
		if( in_array( $cat_ID, $cat_array ) )
		{	// This category is in the current selection
			echo "*";
		if( $cat_line_checkbox )
			echo '</label>';
	 * callback to display sublist element
	function cat_list_after_each( $cat_ID, $level )
	{	// callback to display sublist element
		global $cat_line_end;
		echo $cat_line_end,"\n";
	 * callback to end sublist
	function cat_list_after_last( $parent_cat_ID, $level )
	{	// callback to end sublist
		global  $cat_group_end;
		if( $level > 0 ) echo $cat_group_end,"\n";
	// Start global list:
	echo $cat_main_start;
	if( $blog > 1 )
	{	// We want to display cats for one blog
		echo "\n",$cat_group_start,"\n";

		if( !empty( $cat_all ) )
		{	// We want to display a link to all cats:
			echo $cat_line_start,"\n";
			echo '<a href="',get_bloginfo('blogurl'),'">',$cat_all,'</a>';
			echo $cat_line_end,"\n";

		cat_children( $cache_categories, $blog, NULL, 'cat_list_before_first', 'cat_list_before_each', 'cat_list_after_each', 'cat_list_after_last', 0 );

		echo "\n",$cat_group_end,"\n";
	{	// We want to display cats for all blogs
		for( $curr_blog_ID=blog_list_start('stub'); 
				 $curr_blog_ID=blog_list_next('stub') ) 
		{ # by uncommenting the following lines you can hide some blogs
			// if( $curr_blog_ID == 2 ) continue; // Hide blog 2...

			if( ($curr_blog_ID == 1) && empty( $cat_all ) ) continue; // Hide blog 1 if requested

			echo $cat_blog_start;
			?><a href="<?php blog_list_iteminfo('blogurl', 'raw') ?>"><?php blog_list_iteminfo('name', 'htmlbody') ?></a>
			echo $cat_blog_end;
			// run recursively through the cats
			cat_children( $cache_categories, $curr_blog_ID, NULL, 'cat_list_before_first', 'cat_list_before_each', 'cat_list_after_each', 'cat_list_after_last', 1 );
	// End global list:
	echo $cat_main_end;

	// ----------------- END RECURSIVE CAT LIST ----------------


You can change the number of posts necesary to the different weight of the fonts here:

$a = 5;
		$b = 10;
		$c = 15;
		$d = 20;
		$e = 25;
		$f = 30;
		$g = 40;

I thing i will be interesting to know blogs total post to change this values dinamically. Can someone help how get blog total post?

Thanks and sorry for my english!

4 Jun 30, 2006 09:24


Can you give a screenshot how it will look like after?

Thanks. :)

5 Sep 12, 2006 02:27

Will this work in 1.8.1? If not, is there a way to make it work?

6 Sep 16, 2006 21:42

:) I'm guessing the answer is no?

7 Sep 16, 2006 21:46

The answer is: try it.. :)

8 Sep 16, 2006 22:44

:) I have! But, the category plugin is sufficiently different from the old category structure that this hack does not apply. I would need to understand a great deal about plugins before I could adapt this hack to one.

10 Nov 11, 2006 15:49

I just installed it, and it works great-- thank you!

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