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1 Feb 10, 2006 22:11    

I've been using b2evolution for two years now and I love it. However, now I'm trying to install on it my company's server but they seem pretty anal since they only use Microsoft technology which means no PHP. I was wondering if anyone knows of a similar program that runs on ASP and SQL 2005. I myself know this is really stupid but my hands are tied. :( Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

3 Feb 11, 2006 06:36

CoolEddie wrote:

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Find an employer who doesn't hate you? ;)

4 Feb 12, 2006 05:32

You can run PHP and mySQL on IIS if you really really want to. As mentioned there jsut aren't many ASP blogging programs due to the prevalence of *nix servers in the hosting community.

5 Feb 28, 2006 01:46

Thanks guys. In the end I decided to run it off my own server as the ones I found that did meet my server requirements did not compare to b2evolution. I hate it when ITs are so anal. <sigh...>

6 Feb 28, 2006 01:54

Sorry we didn't come up with any better alternatives. If I knew of anything better than b2evolution, I wouldn't hang around here so much. ;) But so far, this is the best app I've seen for the job. I'm glad to hear you'll be using it.

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