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1 Feb 15, 2006 16:35    


Working with b2evo v0.9.1, on MS Windows 2000, I get this error message when
making a comment on a post:
Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 554 The IP Address of the sender (10.19.99.XX) was found in a DNS blacklist database and was therefore refused. in \\C_Drive\inetpub\wwwroot\blog\b2evocore\_functions.php on line 1345

This error is caused by 'function send_mail' with '_functions.php' file. It's the first time I heard about '10.19.99.XX' IP address and it's nothing to do with me or my server.

Any similar experience?

2 Feb 15, 2006 21:15

What does ipconfig show you?

I guess 10.x.x.x _is_ your IP and you just see the error here that the SMTP server replies with when PHP tries to send your message.

It may be a mis-configured smtp server though.

Check your settings regaring smtp in your php.ini file.

I'm 99% sure this is not a b2evo problem.

You could just try something like

mail( '', 'test', 'test body' );

in a php file and execute it either with the command line version (CLI) of PHP or on your webserver. It should result in the same error.

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