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1 Feb 16, 2006 00:02    

I am getting ready to change to a new webhost who uses Fantastico as part of the control panel to install B2Evo on my site - just as my current webhost did.

I'm curious what is the best method to back up the 3 separate blogs I have and is there a way to easily import them when I get my new webhost up and running?


2 Feb 16, 2006 15:39

Get a backup of your database. It will be a .sql or .gz file. It's basically a huge text file with all of your data. This backup will have all of your blogs, posts, authors, stats, etc. Then get a backup of all of your files. If you have editing any skins, you can move them over once it's up and running. Have your new host install b2evolution, then import your database sql file to a new database on your new host. You should be able to do it through cPanel or phpMyAdmin, or have your host do that part, too. This will work best if both hosts are using the same version of b2evolution. If that's not the case, or if you run into any problems, you may want to manually install the latest version of b2evolution and let it do the upgrade thing to your old database. Don't worry, we can help. Just make sure you keep a good copy of the db backup somewhere so nothing happens to your data.

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