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1 Feb 16, 2006 16:49    

I would like to add a text field to the admin area when I am editing a blog. I've added the fieldname to the evo_posts table. What would I have to do to the admin php pages to display the field and make it editable back to the database.

So far I've figured out how to add the field to _item.form.php using

$Form->text( 'post_filename', $post_filename, 48, T_('Flash object'), '', 255 );

But after that I am clueless as to how to proceed. I tried using the stickypost hack as a template to try to make the changes, but all I've managed to do so far is add a lot of code to the admin pages that doesn't do anything.

Many thanks in advance.

2 Feb 17, 2006 03:42

edit_actions.php catches the params from the form and creates/updates an item.

Sometimes, in the glory feature this kind of hack should be quite easily possible through a plugin.

Form is loading...