2 personman Feb 24, 2006 16:05

created a user and password
user: test
password: passtest
I have no blogs on the default page, so you have to go into the a blog.
(most of the posts are protected) so I gave a generic admin username and password.[/url]
First of all, there are spaces in some of the filenames. That may cause some problems. But here's a file with no spaces:
And it just gives me a forbidden error. Let's try this. Use an ftp program to upload a file to the media directory and we'll see if we can see that on the web. That will tell us if the problem is with the upload script or with the directory itself.
ftp server to media folder does not show picture
copied up a picture (coolinux.png) to the media folder via an ftp server (Smart FTP 1.5)
Then coded an img src to point to the file and display.
Same as before, no picture but did get "alt name"
So regardless of the b2upload it is not displaying the pic.
That should tell you that this is not a b2evolution problem. If you can upload a file to the directory and it's still not visible, then something's wrong at the server level. I would ask your web host for help with this.
It looks like you have directories untraversable, as I get a 403 on:
Of course, I get the same error when looking at a picture:
BUT I CAN look at a picture in the custom skins folder ;):
So this tells me that it's likely to be a permissions problem and that it appears to be related to the "media" folder. (As a test ... create a folder outside the b2evo tree ... or inside ... set permissions and upload a picture ... point to the new picture in the new folder and see if you can see it in an entry ... or by typing the path into the address bar).
I don't use the media folder or upload, but to me, that seems to be the problem. Check (1) there's not an .htaccess file in the media directory shutting things down; (2) that the image files in the media dir have world read access and (3) that the media directory has owner write/read and world read access. (That's all i can think of, unless your root level htaccess is slamming it down for some reason).
That was the ticket.
I created a new folder and the pic worked just fine.
Now I just need to edit the b2upload.php to point to that folder and I'll see if that still works out.
I appreciate the help and will let you know if it is all successful.
Oops, b2upload does not directly refer to the "media" folder. Closest I could find was $fileupload, $pathtofile and '.$fileupload_url.'
Whereabouts can I tell the upload to send to the new "photos" folder?
sorry for the edits, found the answer to that last question in the /conf/_admin.php
$fileupload_url = $baseurl.'/media';
Thank you all for your help.
The solution that worked best was to stop using the "media" folder and created my own folder for pictures.
(Permissions on folder were chmodded to 777 (wide open)) So everyone could read, write and execute.
Then edit the _admin.php in the conf directory so that it uploaded to my new folder for photos (2 separate lines, just open the _admin.php in an editor (wordpad, etc) and do a "find" for "media")
Change "media" to the name of the new folder and voila!
I can now post the pics and even, dare I say, SEE them.
My thanks to stk, personman, and EdB. Your help led me in the appropriate directions and I thank ya' kindly *tips hat* (even if I'm not a cowboy)
Rest assured I'll get myself in trouble again, so for now thank you.
Glad to hear that you got it all sorted out. :D
Can you give a link to your blog so I can see what's happening?