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1 Feb 27, 2006 15:24    

I'm probably blind, but I've looked everywhere in the backoffice area, in the _main.php, and also searched for a while in the forum, but I can' find where to set the archiving method, monthly, weekly, daily or by number of posts. I guess ALL posts are actually archived the same way and it's a question about how many posts to display when calling a blog...

Sure I could go deeper in the code to find it, but I don't think it's a good idea to change things there, that will probably give me problems when it's time to upgrade. And anyway, I can't imagine that it's a hardcoded thing, right?

2 Feb 27, 2006 15:46

Go to the settings tab and look for the section called Display options. You can change thos options there.

3 Feb 27, 2006 15:58

Thank you for pointing me right! I was right, I am blind :)

But... I only got one setting used for all blogs, then?

4 Feb 27, 2006 16:08

That's correct. Your choice here will apply to all of your blogs.

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